IOM SYSCROLL 400 900 J36756

11.1 Spare part list
The table below shows the list of spare parts recommended during
the first two years of operation.
11.2 Oil for compressors
The compressors are lubricated with POE / PVE oil.
11.3 Wiring diagrams
The wiring diagrams are installed inside the doors of the electrical
panels of the unit. Any request for wiring diagrams shall be forwarded
to manufacturer’s Service Centre.
Component Number
Fan 1
Flow switch 1
High pressure transducer 1
Low pressure transducer 1
Expansion valve 1
Gas filter 1
4 way valve 1
Electronic main board 1
Auxiliary circuit trasformer 1
Compressor contactor 2
Pump contactor 1
Water sensor 4
Air sensor 1
Auxiliary contact 4
Driver EEV 1
Fuses 4
11 - Spare Parts