FC101 Programming Guide

3.8 Main Menu - Communications and
Options - Group 8
3.8.1 8-0* General Settings
8-01 Control Site
Option: Function:
This parameter overrules settings in
parameter 8-50 Coasting Select to
parameter 8-56 Preset Reference Select.
[0] * Digital and
Control by using both digital input and
control word.
[1] Digital only Control by using digital inputs only.
[2] Controlword
Control by using control word only.
8-02 Control Source
Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
the motor is running.
Select the source of the control word.
[0] None
[1] * FC Port
8-03 Control Timeout Time
Range: Function:
[0.1 -
6500 s]
Enter the maximum time expected to pass
between the reception of 2 consecutive
telegrams. If this time is exceeded, it
indicates that the serial communication has
stopped. The function selected in
parameter 8-04 Control Timeout Function is
carried out.
8-04 Control Timeout Function
Option: Function:
Select the timeout function. The timeout
function is activated when the control
word fails to be updated within the time
period specied in parameter 8-03 Control
Timeout Time.
[0] * O
[1] Freeze output
[2] Stop
[3] Jogging
[4] Max. speed
[5] Stop and trip
[20] N2 Override
This option is valid only when the protocol
is N2.
3.8.2 8-3* FC Port Settings
8-30 Protocol
Option: Function:
Select the protocol for the integrated RS485
[0] * FC Communication according to the FC Protocol.
[2] Modbus
Communication according to the Modbus RTU
[3] Metasys
Communication protocol. The N2 software
protocol is designed to be general in nature to
accommodate the unique properties each
device may have.
[4] FLN Communication according to the FLN protocol.
[5] BACNet Communication according to the BACNet
8-31 Address
Range: Function:
[ 0.0 -
247 ]
Enter the address for the RS485 port.
Valid range: 1–126 for FC-bus OR 1–
247 for Modbus.
8-32 Baud Rate
Option: Function:
Select the baud rate for the RS485 port
Default refers to the FC protocol. Changing the
protocol in parameter 8-30 Protocol may
change the baud rate.
Changing protocol in parameter 8-30 Protocol
may change the baud rate.
[0] 2400 Baud
[1] 4800 Baud Default setting for FLN.
[2] 9600 Baud Default setting for:
Metasys N2.
[3] 19200 Baud Default setting for Modbus RTU.
[4] 38400 Baud
[5] 57600 Baud
[6] 76800 Baud
[7] 115200 Baud
8-33 Parity / Stop Bits
Option: Function:
Parity and stop bits for the protocol
using the FC port. For some of the
protocols, not all options are available.
Default refers to the FC protocol.
Changing protocol in parameter 8-30
Protocol may change the baud rate.
[0] Even Parity, 1 Stop
HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
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