FC101 Programming Guide

14-12 Function at Mains Imbalance
Option: Function:
Selecting this option may reduce the
lifetime of the frequency converter.
Operation under severe mains imbalance
conditions reduces the lifetime of the motor. If
the motor is operated continuously near nominal
load, conditions are considered severe.
When a severe mains imbalance is detected,
select 1 of the available functions.
[0] * Trip Trips the frequency converter.
[1] Warning Issues a warning.
[2] Disabled No action.
[3] Derate The frequency converter would derate.
3.10.3 14-2* Trip Reset
14-20 Reset Mode
Select the reset function after tripping. Once reset, the frequency
converter can be restarted.
Option: Function:
[0] * Manual reset Select [0] Manual reset to reset the
frequency converter via [Reset] or via
the digital inputs.
[1] Automatic reset x 1 Select [1]-[12] Automatic reset x 1…
x20 to perform between 1 and 20
automatic resets after tripping.
[2] Automatic reset x 2
[3] Automatic reset x 3
[4] Automatic reset x 4
[5] Automatic reset x 5
[6] Automatic reset x 6
[7] Automatic reset x 7
[8] Automatic reset x 8
[9] Automatic reset x 9
[10] Automatic reset x 10
[11] Automatic reset x 15
[12] Automatic reset x 20
[13] Innite auto reset Select [13] Innite Automatic Reset for
continuous resetting after tripping.
14-21 Automatic Restart Time
Range: Function:
10 s* [0 - 600
To start the automatic reset function, enter the
time interval from trip. This parameter is active
when parameter 14-20 Reset Mode is set to [1] -
[13] Automatic reset.
14-22 Operation Mode
Option: Function:
To reset all parameter values to default, select
[2] Initialisation.
Select [0] Normal operation for normal
operation of the frequency converter with the
motor in the selected application.
[2] Initiali-
Select [2] Initialisation to reset all parameter
values to default settings, excluding bus
communication parameters, parameter groups
15-0* Operating Data and 15-3* Alarm Log. The
frequency converter is reset during the next
Parameter 14-22 Operation Mode also reverts to
the default setting [0] Normal operation.
14-27 Action At Inverter Fault
Select how the frequency converter acts in the case of
overvoltage, overcurrent, short circuit, or grounding errors.
Option: Function:
[0] Trip
[1] * Warning
14-29 Service Code
Range: Function:
0* [0 - 0x7FFFFFFF ] Service use only.
3.10.4 14-3* Current Limit Control
Parameters for conguring the current limit controller,
which is activated when the motor current exceeds the
preset current limits (see parameter 4-18 Current Limit).
These parameters are used to reduce torque as quickly as
possible without losing control of the motor.
14-30 Current Lim Ctrl, Proportional Gain
Range: Function:
100 %* [0 - 500 %] Enter the proportional gain value for the
current limit controller. A higher value
makes the controller react faster. Excessive
value setting leads to controller instability.
14-31 Current Lim Ctrl, Integration Time
Range: Function:
0.020 s* [0.002 - 2 s] Control the current limit control
integration time. Setting it to a lower
value makes it react faster. A setting too
low leads to control instability.
14-32 Current Lim Ctrl, Filter Time
Range: Function:
5 ms* [1 - 100 ms] Set a time constant for the current limit
controller low-pass lter.
HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
76 Danfoss A/S © 04/2018 All rights reserved. MG18B502