FC101 Programming Guide

Digital input
[19] Freeze reference Freeze actual reference. The frozen
reference is now the point of enable/
condition for speed up and speed down
to be used. If speed up/speed down is
used, a speed change always follows ramp
2 (parameter 3-51 Ramp 2 Ramp Up Time
and parameter 3-52 Ramp 2 Ramp Down
Time) in the range
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference -
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference.
[20] Freeze output Freezes actual reference. The frozen
reference is now the point of enable/
condition for speed up and speed down
to be used. If speed up/speed down is
used, the speed change always follows
ramp 2.
[21] Speed up For digital control of the up/down speed
(motor potentiometer). Activate this
function by selecting either freeze
reference or freeze output. When speed
up is activated for less than 400 ms, the
resulting reference is increased by 0.1%. If
speed up is activated for more than 400
ms, the resulting reference ramps
according to ramp 1 in
parameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time.
[22] Speed down Same as [21] Speed up, but reference
[23] Set-up select bit
Selects 1 of the 2 set-ups. Set
parameter 0-10 Active Set-up to multi set-
[32] Pulse Input Select pulse input when using a pulse
sequence as either reference or feedback.
Scaling is done in parameter group 5-5*
Pulse Input. Available only for terminal 29.
[34] Ramp bit 0 Select which ramp to use. Logic 0 selects
ramp 1, while logic 1 selects ramp 2.
[37] Fire mode A signal applied puts the frequency
converter into re mode and disregards all
other commands. See parameter group
24-0* Fire Mode.
Digital input
[52] Run permissive The input terminal, for which the run
permissive is programmed, must be logic
1 before a start command can be
accepted. Run permissive has a logic AND
function related to the terminal, which is
programmed for [8] Start, [14] Jog, or [20]
Freeze Output. To start running the motor,
both conditions must be fullled. If run
permissive is programmed on multiple
terminals, run permissive only has to be
logic 1 on 1 of the terminals for the
function to be carried out. Run permissive
does not aect the digital output signal
for run request ([8] Start, [14] Jog, or [20]
Freeze Output) programmed in parameter
group 5-3* Digital Outputs, or parameter
group 5-4* Relays.
If no run permissive signal is applied
but either run, jog, or freeze
commands is activated, the status
line in the display shows either Run
Requested, Jog Requested, or Freeze
[53] Hand Start A signal applied puts the frequency
converter into hand on mode as if [Hand
On] is pressed and a normal stop
command is overridden. If the signal is
disconnected, the motor stops. To make
any other start commands valid, assign
another digital input to Auto Start and
apply a signal. The [Hand On] and [Auto
On] keys have no impact. The [O] key
overrides Hand Start and Auto Start. Press
either [Hand On] or [Auto On] to
reactivate Hand Start and Auto Start. If
there is no signal on Hand Start or Auto
Start, the motor stops regardless of any
normal start command applied. If a signal
is applied to both Hand Start and Auto
Start, the function is Auto Start.
[54] Auto start A signal applied puts the frequency
converter into Auto mode as if [Auto On]
is pressed. See also [53] Hand Start.
[60] Counter A (up) Input for increment counting in the SLC
[61] Counter A (down) Input for decrement counting in the SLC
[62] Reset Counter A Input for reset of counter A.
[63] Counter B (up) Input for increment counting in the SLC
HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
48 Danfoss A/S © 04/2018 All rights reserved. MG18B502