FC101 Programming Guide

0-61 Access to Main Menu w/o Password
Option: Function:
[3] Bus: Read only
[5] All: Read only
3.2 Main Menu - Load and Motor - Group 1
Parameters related to the motor nameplate load compen-
sations and application load type.
3.2.1 1-0* General Settings
1-00 Conguration Mode
Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
the motor is running.
Motor speed is determined by applying a speed
reference or by setting the wanted speed when
in hand-on mode.
Open loop is also used if the frequency
converter is part of a closed-loop control system
based on an external PI controller providing a
speed reference signal as output.
[3] Process
When set for Closed Loop, the commands
Reversing and Start Reversing do not
reverse the direction of the motor.
A reference from the built-in PI controller
determines the motor speed. The built-in PI
controller varies the motor speed as of a closed-
loop control process (for example, constant
pressure or ow). Congure the PI controller in
parameter group 20-** Drive Closed Loop.
1-01 Motor Control Principle
Option: Function:
[0] U/f
When running U/f, control slip and load
compensations are not included.
Used for parallel-connected motors and/or special
motor applications. Set the U/f settings in
parameter 1-55 U/f Characteristic - U and
parameter 1-56 U/f Characteristic - F.
[1] * VVC+
When parameter 1-10 Motor Construction is
set to PM-enabled options, only VVC
is available.
1-01 Motor Control Principle
Option: Function:
Normal running mode, including slip and load
1-03 Torque Characteristics
Option: Function:
For speed control of centrifugal pumps and fans.
Also to be used when controlling more than 1
motor from the same frequency converter (for
example, multiple condenser fans or cooling
tower fans). Provides a voltage that is optimized
for a squared torque load characteristic of the
[3] Auto
For optimum energy ecient speed control of
centrifugal pumps and fans, it provides a
voltage that is optimized for a squared torque
load characteristic of the motor. In addition, the
AEO feature adapts the voltage exactly to the
current load situation, thereby reducing energy
consumption and audible noise from the motor.
1-06 Clockwise Direction
Option: Function:
This parameter cannot be adjusted while
the motor is running.
This parameter denes the term clockwise
corresponding to the LCP direction arrow. Used for
easy change of direction of shaft rotation without
swapping motor wires.
[0] * Normal The motor shaft turns in clockwise direction when
frequency converter is connected UU; VV; and
WW to motor.
[1] Inverse The motor shaft turns in counterclockwise
direction when frequency converter is connected
UU; VV; and WW to motor.
1-08 Motor Control Bandwidth
Option: Function:
[0] High Suitable for highly dynamic response.
[1] * Medium Suitable for smooth steady-state operation.
[2] Low Suitable for smooth steady-state operation with
lowest dynamic response.
[3] Adaptive 1 Suitable for smooth steady-state operation with
extra active damping.
[4] Adaptive 2 This is an alternative to [3] Adaptive 1, which
focuses on low-inductance PM motors.
HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
30 Danfoss A/S © 04/2018 All rights reserved. MG18B502