Manual KVBF

NOTE Risk of damage to the fan!
The fan housing may not be deformed during assembly.
Carry out the assembly carefully!
NOTE Risk of damage to the fan!
Check by hand whether the rotor can be moved freely!
Do not t the fan if the rotor cannot be moved freely. Notify the manufacturer.
NOTE Risk of damage to the fan!
Prevent foreign bodies from being sucked in.
NOTE Risk of damage to the fan!
If the ow gets jammed, there is the risk of overheating.
Guarantee uninhibited and even owing into the appliance and free blowing out.
Provide the fan at least with an IP 20 protective grid with free intake and free blow-out.
Prevent the possibility of foreign bodies being taken in!
Guarantee uninhibited and even owing into the appliance and free blowing out!
Fit the fan in such a way that access to the fan for the purpose of maintenance work is always
guaranteed and the fan can be dismantled without disproportionate efforts being necessary.
Ensure sufcient free space in the vicinity of the fan in order to be able to carry out any necessary
maintenance work.
Fit the fan in the correct direction of air ow (in accordance with the arrow on the device).
To avoid vibration transmissions to the channel system, installation of compensators with the corresponding
registrations (if necessary) is recommended.
In order to avoid vibration transmissions to surrounding components, installation of vibration dampers and
canvas supports is recommended.
NOTE Risk of damage to the fan.
AX - 12.2012
Smoke and heat exhaust fans