SYSQUARE – Installation Operation Manual (IOM SQ 01 N 13ALL)

Electrical connections
The unit must be installed in compliance with the national
standards on plant installation.
All cables for connection to the unit, as well as its accessories,
must be H05 VV-F with PCV insulation in compliance with
Disconnect all circuits from power supply before acting on
energized components.
Make earthing before any other electric connections.
In compliance with the installation instructions, the contact opening
of all disconnecting devices (4 mm) must allow full disconnection
under the conditions of overvoltage class III.
Connect power supply L (line), N (neutral) and
according to the wiring diagram and respect the polarities shown on
the bottom of the electrical boxes, see g. 36-38-39-39e.
All unit must be installed with a fuse for machine protection. Refer
to table I for fuse installation and replacement.
Control box panels: The control box panel is positioned on the
external side of the unit (g. 1-2). Remove the xing screws and
the cover of the control box panel. The control box panels contain
the terminal blocks for connections as shown in the wiring diagrams
and g. 36-38-39-39e.
Table X
Kind of unit
g. 39
SQ__ x
SQ__IR x
SQ__EC x
To power the unit, use cables with minimum section as according
to table II.
After all connections are made, fasten the cable using the special
tear protections (ref. 19).
Close the control box panel with the protecting cover and tighten
the screw(s) which were previously removed.
Units with electric heaters
The unit is equipped with two safety thermostats: one automatic
reset thermostat and one manual reset thermostat which can be re-
activated, g. 32 (ref. A) to protect the unit against overtemperature
caused by dirty lters or clogged air ow.
The manual thermostat must be reset by skilled personnel only
after the cause for which the intervention was required has been
SysLogic Control
For the conguration of dip-switches, please refer to the installation
manual of the SysLogic control.
IR Control