SYSTEMP Engineering Data Manual (EDM SYSTEMP S 7GB)

Key points
motor and the “High Pressure Shell” system, it is possible
to ensure the system high functional efciency, minimis-
ing the need to service the cooling circuit.
All direct expansion units are equipped with an innovative
control system of the cooling circuit, which allows sim-
plied management, easier maintenance and optimized
operational safety. The advanced management system
allows the display and monitoring of the operating condi-
tions of the completely cooling cycle, from both the local
display and the supervision systems as well as building
management systems (BMS).
Smart Net
SysTemp range are equipped with an innovative control
system in a local network (LAN) which allows them to
be managed and serviced more easily while improving
operational safety. Taking advantage of the modulation
capabilities of its components, this system makes it pos-
sible to actively share the workload among all the units in
the local network.
Free Cooling
Innovative Free Cooling systems able to achieve energy
saving of over 50% compared to a conventional air con-
ditioner and to ensure high energy saving combined with
the efciency and reliability.
Specic units are provided with two very independent
cooling source DX and CW. The DualPower system is very
exible and allows three different types: the chilled water
primary source, the direct expansion primary source, both
source of the unit are chilled water coils.
SySmart Control
Advanced electronic control system is conceived and de-
signed to provide an energy savings and the optimized
management of the entire unit. Thanks to the control via
Modbus® Master protocol, all key components of the unit
are continuously supervised, with over 50 different vari-
ables that ensure the real-time monitoring of all operating
cycles. Integrated RS485 Modbus® card, BACnetTM, Lon-
Works® and SNMP gateway interfaces provide easy and
quick interfacing with supervision systems and building
management systems (BMS).
EC fans
State-of-the-art electronic fans allow very high perfor-
mance levels to be achieved with minimum energy im-
Energy valve
The chilled water units of the Systemair close control air
conditioning range can be equipped with electronically
controlled valves which allow the regulation and continu-
ous monitoring of the water ow rate, inlet and outlet
temperatures, and thus cooling capacity.
Electronic expansion valve
Electronic expansion valve maximizes the performance of
direct expansion cooling circuits, especially under partiali-
sation conditions, reduces the cooling circuit locking risk.
By optimizing working conditions, it is possible to increase
the cooling circuit energy efciency by more than 40%
compared to a system provided with a mechanical ther-
mostatic expansion valve (TEV).
DC Compressors
DC compressors with inverter regulation, which allow the
delivered cooling capacity to be varied, maximizing the
motor performance and reducing energy consumption.
Thanks to the inverter control system, the brushless DC
Key points