Manual VPFC

VPFC, pressure independent and
modulating valve system
Two way pressure independent control and
adjustment valve with modulating actuator and
shut-off valve. DN15/20/25/32. 24V.
The valve system consists of the following:
TAC (TA Compact-P), pressure independent
regulation and adjustment valve
AV, shut off valve
SDM24, modulating actuator 24V
The regulation and adjustment valve (TAC)
can be used to nely adjust or shut off the
water ow manually. TAC is independent
of the available differential pressure, which
contributes to stable and accurate regulation
(ensures the correct ow to the heater even if
the differential pressure in the rest of the pipe
system changes). The water ow is set using
the grey button on the valve.
The shut off valve (AV) consists of a ball valve
which is either open or closed and is used to
shut off the ow, when servicing for example.
The actuator (SDM24) is modulated and gives
the right temperature. FC control system is set
to always allow through a small leak ow in
order to provide a fast heat supply when a door
is opened and for frost protection.
The valve system is available in 4 different
valve dimensions, DN15 (1/2"), DN20 (3/4"),
DN25 (1") and DN32 (1 1/4").
Used with FC control system or supplemented
with suitable thermostat.