
<( Others
Analog audio
An electrical signal that directly represents
sound. In contrast, digital audio which can
be an electrical signal,but is an indirect rep-
resentation of sound.Seealso Digital audio.
Aspect ratio
The width of aTV screen relative to its
height. Conventional TVs are 4:3 (in other
words, the screen is almost squate);
widescreen models are 16:9 (the screen is
almost twice aswide as it is high).
Just as a hook is split up into several
chapters, a title on a DVD disc is usually
divided into chapters. See also Title.
Component video output
This is a video signal format that conveys
each of three principal colors of light
(red, blue and green) through different
signal lines.This allows the viewers to
experience picture colors as original as it
is.There are several signal formats,
including Y/PB/PRand Y/CdCm
CPRM ,(CpntentoProtection for
ecoruaDme _eula)
This is a format used to record copy-
once programs. By recording coded data
on the area of DVD discs that ordinary
writing software cannot write on, it pre-
vents copy-once programs from being
recorded repeatedly on different media.
Digital audio
An indirect representation of sound
by numbers. During recording, the
sound is measured at discrete inter-
vals (44, 100 times a second for CD
audio) by an analog-to-digital convert-
en generating a stream of numbers.
On playback, a digital-to-analog con-
verter generates an analog signal
based on these numbers. See also
Sampling frequency and Analog audio.
Domby Digital
The system developed by Doiby
Laboratories to compress digital sound.
It offers you sound of stereo(2ch) or
multi-channel audio (up to 5.1ch).
To make recorded contents on DVD
discs possible to be played back on
DVD players.With this unit, it is possi-
ble to finalize DVD-RW/DVD-R discs.
MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3)
blP3 is a method of compressing flies.
You can copy blP3 files on CD-RW/R
discs from the computer and play back
the flies on this unit.
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)
PCM is a format that converts audio
into digital data. it is mainly used for
Audio CDs and DAT.This unit can
_lay back sounds as realistic as possi-
le by converting even compressed
Dolby Digital and bIPEG audio to
From this list you can play back con-
tents of a disc in your desired order
or sequence.Also it allows to search
a specific scene direcdy.
Progressive Scan (52Sp/480p)
A type of display that does not split
each frame into fields, and instead scans
direcdy through all the scanlines of each
frame in order. Progressive Scan pro-
vides less flickering and higher image
resolution than traditional (525i/480i)
TV signals. Refer to page 15 for instruc-
tions on selective Progressive Scan
Regions code
Regions associate discs and players with
particular areas of the world.This unit
wil! only play back discs that have com-
patible region codes.You can find the
region code of your unit by looking at
the rear panel Some discs are compati-
ble with more than one region (or all
Sampling frequency
The rate which sound is measured by
a specified interval to turn it into digi-
tal audio data.The numbers of sam-
piing in one second defines as sam-
piing frequencyThe higher the rate,
the better the sound quality is.
SAP (Secondary Audio Program)
Sub-audio channel which is delivered
separately from main-audio channeLThis
audio channel is used as an alternate in
bilingual broadcasting.
S-Video output
It delivers independendy each signal of
color(C) and luminance(Y) toTV as
video signals, so that higher-quality pic-
ture wiil be materialized.
Titme (DVD only)
A collection of chapters on DVD disc,
See also chapter.
Audio CDs use tracks to divide the
content of a disc.The DVD equivalent is
called a chapteL See also Chapter.
i °
(Affln) Oroi_o 6159 Finnish 5255
Abkhazian 4748 French 5264
Afar 4747 FFi_ian 5271
Afril<a_n_ 475;2 G_lidan 535;8
Albanian 6563 Georgian 5747
Al_haric 475;9 German 5051
Arabic 4764 Greek 5158
Ari_enian 5471 Greenl_ndic 575;8
Assai_ese 4765; Guarani 5360
Ayl_a ra 4771 Gujara_i 5367
Azerbaijani 47712 Hausa 5447
Bashkir 4847 Hebrew 5569
Basque 5167 Hil/di 545;5
Bel/gali;B_ngl_ 4860 Hungarian 5467
Bhu_ni 5072 Icelandic 5565
Bih_ri 4854 h/done_ian 5560
EUsl_l_a 485;5 Interlingu_ 5547
Breton 4864 Interlingue 555;1
Bulgarian 4853 h/upi_k 5557
Burl_ese 5971 IFish 5347
BTelorussian 4851 I_li_n 5566
Cai_bodian 5759 Japanese 5647
Catalan 4947 Javanese 5669
Chinese 725;4 K_nn_d_ 5760
Corsican 4961 Ka_hnliri 5765
Croatian 5464 K_zakh 575;7
Czech 4965 KinTarw_nd_ 6469
g_nish 5047 Kir_hiz 5771
E)utch 605;8 Kirundi 6460
English 5160 Korean 5761
E_peran_o 5161 Ku rdi_h 5767
Estonian 5166 L_o_hian 5861
Faroese 5261 L_in 5847
Fiji 5256 L_vian ; Lettish 5868
Lin_ala 5860 Sindhi 6550
Lithuanian 5866 Sin_,halese 6555
Macedonian 5957 Si_w_t 6565
I_I ala_,a_ y 5953 Slovak 6557
Malay 5965 Slovenian 6558
I_I_I_7_I_i_ 595;8 Soi_li 6561
l_lal_e_e 5966 Spanish 5165
l_l_oFi 595;5 Sund_ne_e 6567
l_l_ratl_i 5964 Swahili 6569
l_lold_vi_n 5961 Swedish 6568
l_longoli_n 5960 Wagalo_ 6658
Nauru 6047 Tajik 6653
Nepali 605;1 Wa i_il 6647
Norwegian 6061 Tatar 6666
Ocd_n 6149 Wol ugu 665;1
OriT_ 6164 Thai 6654
Panjabi 6247 Tibetan 4861
Pashto; Pu_hto 6265 Wi_rinTa 6655
Per_i_n 5247 Wong_ 6661
Polish 6258 Tsonga 6665
Portuguese 6266 Turkish 6664
Quechua 6367 Wurk_en 6657
Rh_e_o_Roi_ance 645;9 Wwi 6669
Roi_nian 6461 Ukrainian 6757
Russian 6467 grdu 6764
Sa_oan 6559 Uzbek 6772
S_ngho 6553 Viet i_ai_e_e 6855
S_nskrit 6547 Volapuk 6861
Scots Gaelic 5350 Wol_h 4971
Serbian 6564 Wolof 6961
Serbo_Cro_i_n 6554 Xho_a 7054
Sesotl_o 6566 Yiddish 5655
Setswa na 6660 Yo ruba 7161
Shona 6560 Zulu 7267