
Disc Playback
Resume playback
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You can resume piaybac[< from
where you stopped it last time.
During playback, hit [STOP 1@1.
The resume message w@ appear.
Hit [PLAY_].
VVithin a few seconds_ @ayback
will resume from the point at
which it stopped hst.You can
resume @ayback at the same
point even if you turn off the unit.
To cancel resuming and start disc
playback from the beginning, hit
[STOP @] again wMe the play is
Fast forward / Fast reverse
i !ii ! ii! ilii !i
During playback, press [@@] or [@@].
Every time you press [@@] or [@@], approximate speed wii[ be
changed as follows. For DVD discs, sound wii[ be output during xl.5 fast
forward in only if you set"Fast Forward with Audio" to "ON" at the
"Piaybad<" setting in the Setting menu.
Fast forward or fast reverse piaybac[< across tides (for DVD discs) or
tracks (for MP3) is not possible.
For Audio CDs, approximate speed is fixed at x8 with sound.
For HP3 files, approximate speed is fixed at x16.
To return to the normal playback, hit [PLAY _].
Skipping TV commercials during playback
You can skip TV commercials by
hitting [C_ SKIP], in order to
enioy the recorded programs
wkhout interruption.
Every time you hit [C_ SKIP],
the playback starting point will be
extended by 30 seconds ahead.
You can hit up to 6 times (180 seconds).
e.g. Hit [C_ SKIP] once
During playback, hit [CH SKIP].
Normal playback wiil start at 30-
second advanced from where you
hit [CM SKIP].
(forwarding 30 seconds.)
Playback wiil restart automatically.
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resume from the beginning of[
the track which you stopped |
playing back. J
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° Forward/reverse speed will be
indicated with icons as follows.
Forward (Approx. Speed)
x40: I1_,._
Reverse (Approx. Speed)
x5: I_*
x20: I1_
1 _sL°w c_smp _ ®s_c_