
Restrictions on recording
You cannot record copy=protected mateMaHs using
this unit. Copy=protected material incHudesDVD=
Video discs and some sateHHitebroadcasts.
If copy-protected mateMaHis encountered during a
recording, recording wiHHbe paused or stop automat-
icaHHyand an error messagewiHHbe displayed
HateriaH that is "copy=once onHy"can onHybe
recorded using a DVD=RVVdisc inVR mode with
CPRH (see bellow).
VVhen recording aTV broadcast or through an
externaH input, you can display copy controH informa-
tion on screen.
What is "CPRM"?
This is a format used to record copy=once pro-
grams. By recording coded data on the area of
DVD discs that ordinary writing software can=
not wrim, it prevents copy=once programs from
being recorded repeatedHy on different media.
This unit is CPRH compatibHe, which means
that you can record copy-once broadcast pro-
grams, but then you cannot make a copy of
those recordings. CPRH recordings can onHybe
made on DVD-RW discs formatted inVR
mode, and CPRH recordings can onHybe played
bacH<on DVD players that are compatibHe with
Making discs playable on other DVD
player (Finalize)
After recording, you must finaHizethe disc in order
to pHayon other units. (Refer to page36.)
* You cannot finalize discs in other DVD recorders.
After finalizing:
o Once DVD-R_&//R(Video mode) is finaHized,you
cannot record additionaHHyor edit.
° DVD=RW disc recorded withVR mode can
record additionaHHyand edit contents even after
you finaHizedthe disc.
°VVhen DVD=RVV/R(Video mode) is finaHized,tithe
menu wiHHbe created automatically.
Finamize discs recorded on this unit in order to
pmaythem back on other DVD pmayers°
information on copy contro[
Some satellite broadcasts include copy=protected
information. For their recording, refer to the follow=
-- Not Recordable