Installation Instructions

Input mode Page 55/67
Installation and starting instructions
4) Main input elements
a) Opening a selection list
Press to open a list.
b) Multi selection button
Press to change the state Inactive/Active
Multi selection version, press the item to select
Press to cahnge the state NO / NC
Press to change the direction
c) Unique selection button
Press to active state select
d) Input button
Press to open numerical kayboard.
e) Action button
Save a configuration
Delete a configuration
Back button, back to the previous screen.
« Save » et « Back » button,
When a modification is made on a screen, the « Back » button is
displayed in orange and « Save » button appears.
Press « Back » to leave witout save.
Press « Save » to exit saving changes.
Open a list
Check box
State box
Direction box
Selection box
Numeric entry