product data
Mesh Types and Uses
In all cases, the Total Wall
Reinforcing Meshes are
used in the Base Coat
layer of lamina. The type of
Reinforcing Mesh used and
the number of layers of Re-
inforcing Mesh and Base
Coat employed is deter-
mined by job factors such
as the desired impact resis-
tance of the wall, the type
of system being installed
and the various system
details. Runs of Standard,
Enhanced, and Intermedi-
ate meshes are lapped a
minimum of 2.5”. Runs of
High and Ultra High Impact
meshes are butted and
then covered with a layer of
Standard Mesh.
Type PB Soft Coat
EIFS Reinforcing
Standard Mesh
This mesh is used on a
majority of applications.
This weight mesh is avail-
able in different width rolls
for walls and in narrow
width rolls for detail work. It
is also available in a self-
sticking version for special
situations (see Coverage’s
for a full listing of sizes).
This mesh has a weight of
~ 4.3 ounces per yard, a
thickness of 10.7 mils and
a relative impact resistance
of 25-35 in-lbs.
Enhanced Mesh
Used to provide about 25%
higher impact resistance
relative to Standard Mesh.
This mesh has a weight
of ~ 6 ounces per yard, a
thickness of 11.0 mils and
a relative impact resistance
of 35-45 in-lbs.
Intermediate Mesh Used
to provide more than 200%
impact resistance relative
to Standard Mesh. This
mesh has a weight of ~ 11
ounces per yard, a thick-
ness of 19.0 mils and a
relative impact resistance
of 75-95 in-lbs.
High Impact Mesh
Used to provide more than
600% higher impact resis-
tance relative to Standard
Mesh. This mesh has a
weight of ~ 15 ounces per
yard, a thickness of 26.0
mils and a relative impact
resistance of 180-220 in-
Ultra High Impact Mesh
Used to provide about
800% higher impact resis-
tance relative to Standard
Mesh. This mesh has a
weight of ~ 20 ounces per
yard, a thickness of 30.0
mils and a relative impact
resistance of 230-240 in-
Type - Coated EC Fiberglass Mesh
Weave - Leno
Coating - Meets EIMA Std.105.01 for Alkali Resis-
Technical Data
Type PM Hard Coat
EIFS Reinforcing Mesh
Total Wall Hard Coat
This mesh is used on all
Hard Coat PM applications.
Total Wall Hard Coat mesh
has a weight of 4.5 ounces
per square yard, Tensile -
warp 160 lbs/in, weft 250
Total Wall
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