Instructions / Assembly

www.styletto . com!
Painting tips and instructions.
Painting Tips:
!! Caution: Before you paint, you should repair all nail holes, cracks and damages to the
walls and ceiling using a quality spackling compound. Sand and/or clean all surfaces
with a TSP cleaner.
The ceiling should be painted first then move your way down on to the walls.
1. Start by cutting in all corners, around moldings, light switches and electrical outlets
using a Styletto
paint brush. The arrow shaped brush makes cutting-in easy and fast to
get straight sharp lines without using masking tape.
2. Always rinse the roller before use to remove loose fabric, residues from
manufacturing. For latex paint: rinse under water. For oil paint: rinse with a mineral
spirits, spin to dry out. A damp or moistened roller absorbs paint more readily than a dry
4. Fill paint tray half full, roll the roller into the paint, then roll back on the flat part of the
tray until the roller cover is uniformly filled, do not overloaded.
5. Roll on wall surface by making a large (W) shape to distribute paint evenly on the
roller cover. Roll out uniformly to fill in the areas between the legs of the “W”.
6. Then for the finishing touch roll in one direction, usually from the top of the wall to the
bottom with very little pressure in one continuous motion to assure a smooth finish.
7. Take special care of not letting the area you have just finished painting, dry before
starting the next one over, this will prevent roller lines between areas.

Summary of content (1 pages)