Product Manual

Model: 88599- Capacity: 20 Ton
Prior to each use, visual inspection (See Pg. 7) shall be made to the device by checking
for abnormal conditions, such as cracked welds, leaks, and damaged, loose, or missing
Consult the vehicle owner’s manual to determine the location of lift points.
Be sure to set the vehicle in park with the emergency brake on and wheels securely
Be sure that the vehicle and the jack are on a hard, level surface.
A few drops of air lubricant should be place into the inlet of the lift control valve.
Once air is connected, squeeze the air control valve for 3 to 5 seconds to distribute
lubricant within the system.
Please Note: To extend the life of your product, an in-line air dryer and oiler are
If two piece handles are provided, assemble the upper section into the lower section, line up the
holes, insert into handle sleeve.
Use only the handle provided from the manufacture for this product. If the handle has excessive
wear, it may not be able to disengage the release valve. Do not use this product if the handle
shows these signs of wear as the jack may become stuck in the extended position. Discontinue
use until a new handle can be acquired from the manufacturer.
Handle Assembly