Page 2: STORM Dual Dispersion Basecoat Semi-solid #34595
FIRE EXTINGUISHING MATERIALS: Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire
Water Spray: OK Carbon Dioxide: OK
Foam: OK Dry Chemical: OK
Halon: OK Other: Any ABC Class
6. Accidental release measures:
Personal precautions: Do not get in eyes. Do not take internally. Avoid skin contact. Prevent prolonged or repeated
breathing of vapor or spray mists. Keep unnecessary people away. Floor may be slippery, use care to avoid falling.
Dike and contain material with inert material (e.g. earth, sand). Transfer liquid and contaminated diking material to
separate containers for disposal. Environmental precautions: Keep spills and cleaning run-offs out of municipal sewers
and open bodies of water. Comply with local, national and state regulations.
7. Handling and Storage:
Keep closure tight and containers upright to prevent leakage. Precautionary labeling: KEEP FROM FREEZING".
Product is non-combustible.
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection:
General protection and hygienic measures: Avoid contact with skin. Do not get in eyes. Do not take internally. Avoid
breathing vapors or spray mists. Use in well-ventilated areas. Hand/skin protection: Wear neoprene or rubber gloves to
prevent skin contact. Wash hands before eating, smoking or using the wash room. Food or beverages should not be
consumed anywhere this product is handled or stored. Respiratory protection: None required if good ventilation is
maintained. Wear respirator suitable for concentrations and of contaminants encountered. Use approved
chemical/mechanical filters designed to remove particulates in open and restricted ventilation areas. Use approved
airline type respirators or hoods in confined areas. Eye/face protection: Use approved safety eyewear including side
shields, chemical goggles and face shields.
9. Physical and Chemical Properties:
Forms: Viscous liquid, slight ammoniacal odor
Density: 9.8 lbs./gal.
Solubility in water: Complete colloidal dispersion
10. Stability and Reactivity:
Stability: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Stable. Hazardous reactions: Avoid contact with strong oxidizing
agents (e.g. nitric acid, permanganates), etc.
11. Toxicological Information:
No data available
12. Ecological Information:
No Data Available.
13. Disposal considerations:
The coating and any contaminated diking material should be thoroughly air dried and collected into drums. The drums
should then be sealed and properly labeled with waste designation and land filled or incinerated according to local and
national regulations.