User Manual

50 WaveLab Concepts
4. Set up the post cross fade parameters and click Apply.
It can also be a useful tip to lock the loop markers after you use this command on a selection
within an Audio File. Once the loop is processed in place, moving the loop markers will upset
playback of the loop.
You can access this dialog in the Audio File Workspace via Process > Loop Tone Uni-
For an explanation of each parameter and interface feature, click on , or the 'What's this?'
question mark icon. For more information see Getting Help
Related topics
Adjusting Envelopes
4.6.6 Pitch correction
This dialog allows you to detect and change the pitch of a sound without affecting its length.
Amount of Shift - use these controls to find out the current pitch of the audio and if
desired, calculate the required shift to match a specific pitch.
Method - use these controls to adjust the method and quality you wish to use when
processing the pitch change. You can also choose how the length of the sound is
affected by the operation. By default this process will not change the length of the
This tool could be useful for fixing an off-key vocal note in a live recording, or tuning the pitch
of a kick drum sample to fit a particular song, for example.
You can access this dialog from the Audio File Workspace via Process > Pitch Correc-
Pitch correction is also available as a batch processing plug-in in the Batch Processor
Workspace. In addition, Pitch correction for a Clip is available from the Focused Clip window
(via Edit > Pitch shift...).
Note that for Batch processing and Clip processes, the envelope option is not available.
For an explanation of each parameter and interface feature, click on , or the 'What's this?'
question mark icon. For more information see Getting Help
Related topics
Adjusting Envelopes
4.6.7 Time stretching
This dialog allows you to change the duration of an audio selection (usually without changing
its pitch).
WaveLab 7