User Manual

228 Control Window
Making settings
You can adjust the behavior and display of the meters as desired, and assign up to five sets
of Spectrometer settings to the Preset buttons, for instant access. Open the Settings dialog
by selecting "Settings" from the Functions menu or clicking the "tool" icon. Note that you
can apply your settings without closing the dialog, by clicking the Apply button.
If you want to store your settings for later use (or assign them to a Preset button), select "Save
as..." from the pop-up menu in the lower part of the dialog, and specify a name for the preset
in the file dialog that appears. Now, you can choose to make the settings instantly available
for selection in the FFT Meter window, by using the "Assign to preset button" submenu on
the pop-up menu.
When you are finished, click OK to close the dialog.
Selecting Spectrometer presets
If you have assigned your settings to the Preset buttons in the Settings dialog, you can quickly
switch between different level scales and display modes, by clicking one of the Preset icons
[1]-[5], or selecting the desired preset from the Options pop-up menu.
Exporting FFT data as ASCII text
When using the Spectrometer in off-line mode ("Monitor Edit cursor Position" or "Analyze
audio election" mode) you can export the displayed FFT data as a text file, by selecting
"Export FFT data as ASCII" from the Options pop-up menu. The resulting text file can then
be imported into applications that allow graph plotting from text files (Microsoft Excel, for
The Spectrometer can be found in the Meters menu of the Audio Files and Audio Montage
Workspaces. It can be used either as a floating window, or docked in the Workspace or the
Control Window.
Related topics
9.3.7 Wavescope
The Wavescope meter displays a real-time waveform drawing of the audio signal being mon-
It can be useful when recording or rendering a file if "Monitor File rendering" mode is active.
Making settings
You can adjust settings for the display via the Wavescope Settings dialog. This can be
accessed via Functions > Settings... menu, or by using the icon. Here you can set
WaveLab 7