User Manual

Chapter 8
About Podcasts
Once set up, you can produce high quality audio podcast episodes directly from WaveLab.
Audio podcasts are ordered and commented sets of digital Audio Files, generally in the
form of 'episodes' with a consistent theme or presenter. Episodes may be downloaded from
the Internet, usually via an automated feed. Compression is an important consideration in
exporting an audio podcast file, since the listener is likely to encounter bandwidth bottlenecks,
so the file formats .mp4a, .mp3 and Ogg Vorbis are commonly used for podcasts.
The Podcast window
The Podcast window is divided into two panes. The upper pane shows the information for
the Feed or an Episode, depending on the item selected in the list below. This is where you
will be adding files, Internet links or textual information to the Podcast feed and its episodes.
The lower pane shows an item list of the basic feed and all Episodes included in the Podcast.
Adding, moving and deleting episodes
There are two ways to add an episode to a Podcast:
Select "New" from the Podcast window's Episodes menu. This will add a new untitled
episode without any information being present.
Select an existing episode in the Podcast window's item list, then select "Duplicate"
from the Episodes menu. This adds a new episode, copying all information from the ex-
isting episode to the new one. Episodes can be re-ordered using the "Move up/down"
functions in the Episodes menu, or by dragging them to a new location in the item list.
See Dragging operations for more information.
To delete an episode, select it in the item list and use the "Delete selected" function in the
Episodes menu. Alternatively, you can exclude an Episode from the Podcast by unchecking
the "Enabled" box.
There must be at least one episode present in the Podcast.