User Manual

Table Of Contents
VariAudio(Cubase Pro only)
Segments and Gaps
Segments and Gaps
Cubase automatically analyzes the audio and splits it into segments that are shown in the
waveform image.
To understand and edit the segmentation, the following concepts are crucial:
1 Pitch Position
The pitch position of the segments is indicated by the piano keyboard to the left of the
waveform. Pitches represent the perceived fundamental frequency of the sound. The
average pitch of a segment is calculated from its micro-pitch curve.
2 Time Position
The time position and the length of the segments are indicated by the timeline.
3 Audio Waveform
The audio waveform is always shown as mono, even if you have opened a stereo or multi-
channel file.
4 Segment
The segments represent the tonal portions of the analyzed audio. The pitch and time
position of the segments allow you to associate the segments to the original audio.
5 Gap
The gaps in between segments represent the non-tonal portions of the analyzed audio.
These can be caused by breath sounds or rests, for example.
Gaps, caused by weak audio signals or audio sections with unclear pitch information, such
as consonants or effect sounds, must be included in the segments manually. Otherwise,
later pitch modifications affect only the tonal portions.
6 Micro-Pitch Curves
The micro-pitch curves that are shown in the segments represent the progression of the
Manual Editing of Segments
As the quality of the segmentation is crucial for any further editing, we recommend you to verify
the automatic segmentation and to edit it if necessary.
Verify the start and end positions of the segments and try to match them with the waveform
envelope for each word. You have the following possibilities to edit segments:
Changing the start and end points of segments by resizing segments.
Changing the length of segments by cutting or glueing segments.