User Manual

Table Of Contents
Range Editing
Editing Selection Ranges
By adjusting the selection range start or end position on the info line.
By using the trim buttons on the toolbar.
The left trim buttons move the start of the selection range and the right buttons move the
end. The edges are moved by the amount specified on the Grid pop-up menu.
The trim buttons are located on the Nudge Palette, which is not visible on the toolbar by
By using Move Left and Move Right on the toolbar.
These move the whole selection range to the left or the right. The amount of movement
depends on the selected display format and the value specified on the Grid pop-up menu.
The contents of the selection are not moved. Using Move Left/Move Right is the same as
adjusting the start and end of the selection range at the same time by the same amount.
The move buttons are located on the Nudge Palette, which is not visible on the toolbar by
To crop all events or parts that are partially within the selection range, select Edit>
Range> Crop.
Events that are fully inside or outside the selection range are not affected.
Setup Context Menus on page 995
Moving and Duplicating Selection Ranges
To move a selection range, click and drag it to a new position.
This will move the contents of the selection range to the new position. If the range
intersected events or parts, these are split before moving, so that only the sections within
the selection range are affected.
To duplicate a selection range, hold down Alt and drag.
You can also use the duplicate, repeat, and fill loop functions that are available for
duplicating events.
Duplicating Events on page 199
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Selection Ranges
You can cut or copy and paste selection ranges, using the functions on the Edit menu. You can
also use the Cut Time and Paste Time options.
Cuts out the data in the selection range and moves it to the clipboard. The selection
range is replaced by empty track space in the Project window, meaning that events
to the right of the range keep their positions.
Copies the data in the selection range to the clipboard.