User Manual

Table Of Contents
Rack settings 328
Copying 342
Assigning Quick Control parameters 362, 642
MixConsole 342
Recording 243
Range Editing 204
Range Selection tool 204
Creating fades 279
Activating 239
Common Record Modes 239, 239
Read automation 601
Real-Time Export 934
Recent projects 91
Record File Format
Audio 242
Record Folder
Audio 242
Record-Enable allows MIDI Thru 1033
About 236
Activating 237
Common Record Modes 239
Cycle 238
Levels 12
Lock Record 252
Pre-roll and post-roll 238
Remaining Record Time 252
Stopping 237
With Effects 244
Recovering recordings
Audio 245
MIDI 252
ReCycle files 260
Reducing the project size
Pool 542
Reference file
Pool 528
Reference Level 1041
Refresh Views
MediaBay 555
About 188
Creating with Detect Silence 440
Event or Range as Region 188
Events from Regions 188
Renaming 532
Remote control
Key commands 651
Setting up 648
Writing automation 650
Remote Controllers
Connecting with Quick Controls 633, 645
Remove DC Offset
Direct Offline Processing 430
Remove Empty Tracks 160
Remove Regions/Hitpoints on all Offline Processes
Remove Selected Tracks 160
Events 193
Silence 440
Clips 532
Events 195
Regions 532
Tracks 161
Render Audio Click between Locators 232
Render MIDI Click between Locators 232
Rendering Audio 917
Rendering Selections 919
Rendering Tracks 917, 919
Repeat Events 199
Repeat Loop 690
Replace Recording in Editors 1033
Direct Offline Processing 430
Reset on Stop 1026
Resizing events 195
Retrospective Record 1033
MIDI 252
Return to Start Position on Stop 1036
Audio 431
Direct Offline Processing 431
MIDI 695
About 970
Activating 971
Channels 972
Routing MIDI 972
REX files 260
Right Locator 219
Right zone 68
Control Room 73
Media rack 71, 72, 546, 550
Meter 73
VSTi rack 69, 70
RMS display
Meters 384
Root Key
Sampler Control 526
For surround setups 586
Group channels 345
Input busses 344
MixConsole 343
Output busses 345
Through insert effects 393
Routing Editor 397
Display format 48
Project window 47
Timeline 697
Ruler track 143
Track controls 143
Run Setup on Create New Project 1025
Sample editing
Sampler Control 525