User Manual

Table Of Contents
Never Reset Chased Controllers
If this option is activated, controllers are not reset to 0 when you stop playback or
move to a new position in the project.
Length Adjustment
This allows you to enter a length adjustment value in ticks by which the notes that
have the same pitch and MIDI channel are adjusted. This ensures that there is always
a short time between the end of one note and the start of another. By default, there
are 120 ticks per 1/16 note, but you can adjust this with the MIDI Display Resolution
Chase Events
Event types for which an option is activated are chased when you locate to a new
position and start playback. This makes your MIDI instruments sound as they should
when you locate to a new position and start playback.
If Chase not limited to Part Boundaries is activated, MIDI controllers are also
chased outside the part boundaries, and the chase is performed on the part touched
by the cursor as well as on all the parts to the left of it. Deactivate this for very large
projects, as it slows down processes such as positioning and soloing.
MIDI Display Resolution
This allows you to set the display resolution for viewing and editing MIDI data. This
only affects how MIDI events are displayed and not how they are recorded.
Extend Playback Range of Notes that start before the Part
This allows you to extend the playback range of MIDI notes that start before the part
in ticks. This is useful if MIDI events start shortly before the start of the MIDI part. If
you do not extend the playback range, these events are not played. This setting is
also taken into account during cycle playback.
Insert Reset Events after Record
If this option is activated, a reset event is inserted at the end of each recorded part.
This resets controller data, such as Sustain, Aftertouch, Pitchbend, Modulation,
Breath Control. This is useful if you stop recording before the note off command is
sent, for example.
Audition through MIDI Inserts/Sends
If this option is activated, the layering of MIDI instruments (by MIDI sends) is also
active within the MIDI editors. This way, the acoustic feedback of the editors sends
the MIDI data not only to the output selected for the track, but additionally through
any MIDI inserts and MIDI sends assigned to it. However, this also means that MIDI
events will be sent through any MIDI plug-ins assigned to this track.
MIDI Latency Mode
Allows you to specify the latency of the MIDI playback engine.
Low lowers the latency and increases the responsiveness of the MIDI playback
engine. However, this setting might also decrease your computer performance if
your project contains lots of MIDI data.
Normal is the default mode and the recommended setting for most workflows.
High increases the latency and the playback buffer. Use this if you work with
complex VST Instrument libraries or with projects that have a very high performance
MIDI Max. Feedback in ms
This allows you to set the maximum length of the notes when using Acoustic
Feedback in MIDI editors.