User Manual

Table Of Contents
Optimizing Audio Performance
Average load
Shows how much of the available CPU power is used for audio processing.
Real-time peak
Shows the processing load in the realtime path of the audio engine. The higher this
value, the higher the risk that dropouts occur.
Overload indicator
The overload indicator to the right of the real-time peak indicator and the average
load indicator displays overloads of the average or real-time indicator.
If it lights up, decrease the number of EQ modules, active effects, and audio channels
that play back simultaneously. You can also activate the ASIO-Guard.
Shows the hard disk transfer load.
Disk overload indicator
The overload indicator to the right of the disk indicator lights up if the hard disk does
not supply data fast enough.
If it lights up, use Disable Track to reduce the number of tracks playing back. If this
does not help, you need a faster hard disk.
You can show a simple view of the performance meter on the Transport panel and on the
Project window toolbar. These meters only feature the average and the disk indicator.
The ASIO-Guard allows you to shift as much processing as possible from the ASIO realtime path
to the ASIO-Guard processing path. This results in a more stable system.
The ASIO-Guard allows you to preprocess all channels as well as VST instruments that do not
need to be calculated in realtime. This leads to fewer dropouts, the ability to process more tracks
or plug-ins, and the ability to use smaller buffer sizes.
ASIO-Guard Latency
High ASIO-Guard levels lead to an increased ASIO-Guard latency. When you adjust a volume
fader, for example, you will hear the parameter changes with a slight delay. The ASIO-Guard
latency, in contrast to the latency of the audio hardware, is independant from live input.
The ASIO-Guard cannot be used for:
Realtime-dependent signals
External effects and instruments
If you select Studio> VST Plug-in Manager and click Show VST Plug-in Information, you can
deactivate the ASIO-Guard option for selected plug-ins.
If you activate the monitoring for an input channel, a MIDI or a VST instrument channel, the
audio channel and all dependent channels are automatically switched from ASIO-Guard to
realtime processing and vice versa. This results in a gentle fade out and fade in of the audio