User Manual

Table Of Contents
Track Handling
Track Presets
Drum map settings
Multi-Track Presets
You can use multi-track presets, for example, when recording setups that require several
microphones (a drum set or a choir, where you always record under the same conditions) and
you have to edit the resulting tracks in a similar way. Furthermore, they can be used when
working with layered tracks, where you use several tracks to generate a certain sound instead of
manipulating only one track.
If you select more than one track when creating a track preset, the settings of all selected tracks
are saved as one multi-track preset. Multi-track presets can only be applied if the target tracks
are of the same type, number, and sequence as the tracks in the track preset, therefore, they
should be used in recurring situations with similar tracks and settings.
Sampler Track Presets
You can use sampler track presets to re-use created sounds in later projects or newly created
sampler tracks.
The following data is saved in sampler track presets:
Audio insert effects
Audio EQ
Audio volume and pan
Audio input gain and phase
MIDI insert effects
MIDI track parameters
Input Transformer settings
Color settings
VST Presets
VST instrument presets behave like instrument track presets. You can extract sounds from VST
presets for use in instrument tracks.
The following data is saved in VST instrument presets:
VST instrument
VST instrument settings
Modifiers, inserts, and EQ settings are not saved.
VST effect plug-ins are available in VST 3 and VST 2 format.
In this manual, VST presets stands for VST 3 instrument presets, unless stated otherwise.
Pattern Banks
Pattern banks are presets that are created for the Beat Designer MIDI effect.
They behave much like track presets.