User Manual

Table Of Contents
Track Handling
Track Presets
TrackVersions vs. Lanes
TrackVersions and lanes are individual features that complement each other. Every TrackVersion
can have its own set of lanes.
Creating Lanes from TrackVersions
If your project contains TrackVersions and you want to continue working with lanes, using the
Comp tool, for example, you can create lanes from TrackVersions.
1. Select the tracks for which you want to create lanes.
2. Select Project> TrackVersions> Create Lanes from Versions.
A new TrackVersion named Lanes from Version is added. This TrackVersion contains
all TrackVersions on separate lanes. The original TrackVersions are kept. Lanes that you
create from MIDI TrackVersions are muted.
3. In the track list or in the Inspector, activate the Show Lanes button for the track.
4. On the Project window toolbar, activate the Comp tool and continue as usual.
Creating TrackVersions from Lanes
If your project contains lanes and you want to continue working with the TrackVersion functions,
you can create TrackVersions from lanes.
1. Select the tracks for which you want to create TrackVersions.
If you only want to convert specific lanes, select these lanes.
2. Select Project> TrackVersions> Create Versions from Lanes.
New TrackVersions are added, one for each separate lane. The original lanes are kept. Any
crossfades that you have created between different lanes are discarded.
Track Presets
Track presets are templates that can be applied to newly created or existing tracks of the same
You can create them from virtually all track types (audio, MIDI, instrument, sampler, group, FX,
VST instument return, input, and output channels). They contain sound and channel settings,
and allow you to quickly browse, preview, select, and change sounds, or reuse channel settings
across projects.
Track presets are organized in the MediaBay. There, you can categorize them with attributes.
Audio Track Presets
Track presets for audio tracks, group tracks, FX tracks, VST instrument channels, input channels,
and output channels include all settings that define the sound.
You can use the factory presets as a starting point for your own editing and save the audio
settings that you optimized for an artist that you often work with as a preset for future
The following data is saved in audio track presets: