User Manual

Table Of Contents
Track archives
Exporting 157
Importing 156
Track Area Width 1024
Track Color
Automatic 999
Resetting 999
Track Controls Settings 97
Track Folding 167
Track Height 163
Track Inspector
Opening 54
Track list
About 45
Dividing 45
Track Name Width 1024
Track Pictures 162
Browser 162
Showing 162
Track Presets
About 179
Applying 182, 578
Audio 179
creating 182
Creating 182
Extracting Sounds 184
Instrument 180
Loading 183
Loading in MediaBay 575
Loading Inserts and EQ 184
MIDI 180
Multi-Track 181
Pattern Banks 181
Previewing in MediaBay 563
Saving Track Quick Control Assignment Presets
Track Quick Controls 184
VST Presets 181
Track Quick Controls 655
About 641
Assigning parameters 643
Presets 184
Renaming 643
Replacing 643
Saving assignments as presets 184, 644
Track Selection follows Event Selection 1014
Track Time Base 171, 888
Track Time Type 1014
Track Visibility
Inspector 59
Track Zoom 163
About 96
Audio 99
Chord 127
Coloring 161
Customizing track controls 97
Disabling audio tracks 165
Duplicating 165
Folder 135
FX channel 130
Group Channel 137
Importing from a project 154
Importing from a track archive 156
Instrument 106
Marker 142
MIDI 113
Moving 160
Removing 160
Renaming 161
Rendering 917, 919
Ruler 143
Sampler 120
Selecting 164
Signature 144
Tempo 146
Transpose 147
VCA fader 148
Video 150
TrackVersion IDs 174
About 172
Activating 175
Copying and Pasting 176, 177
Creating 174
Creating from lanes 179
Creating lanes from TrackVersions 179
Deleting 176
Duplicating 176
Names 177
Renaming 177
Renaming on multiple tracks 178
Strip module 350
Transpors track
Track controls 148
Transport 215
Overview 215
Project window 50
Sections 215
Transport menu
Functions 210
Transport panel 208
Display format 221
Overview 208
Post-roll 222
Pre-roll 222
Sections 208
Transport pop-up window 217
Exclude Parts or Events 305
Global 305
Independent 305
Indicate Transpositions 303
Info line 304, 304
Lock 303
MIDI function 685
Mute 302
Project Root Key 298
Transpose functions
About 298
Transpose track 147
About 301
Inspector 147
Lock 303
Mute 302