User Manual

Table Of Contents
Constant power 588
MixConsole 336
MixConvert 599
Surround 588
VST MultiPanner 588
Part Data Mode 1024
About 186, 189
Editing 191
Folder 190
Sliding the contents 200
Parts Get Track Names 1014
Paste at Origin 198
Paste Relative to Cursor 198
Patch Banks 678
Chord Pads 847
Pattern Banks
Loading in MediaBay 577
Previewing in MediaBay 564
Peak meter display 384
To note length 691
Aspects 1008
Audio performance 1009
Optimizing 1008
MixConsole 346
Phase Reverse
Direct Offline Processing 427
Phones channel
Source buttons 376
Phones Channel
Using as Preview Channel 1041
Piano voicings 823
Pick-up Mode 634, 645
Changing for chords 719
Pitch Notation 1023
Pitch Shift
Algorithm 435
Direct Offline Processing 427
Limitations 437
Plain Chords
Chord Pads 847
Disable Acoustic Feedback 1017
Excluding note events 700
Playback Toggle triggers Local Preview 433, 1036
Plug-in delay compensation 392
Plug-in Editors Always on Top 1040
Plug-in panels
Quick Controls 642
Plug-in processing
Suspending 391
Installing 637
Managing 637
Surround 583
Poly Pressure events 730
Restricting 694
Aligning file and project attributes 545
Applying different processing methods 532
Audio processing 542
Automatically generating new audio clips 545
Clip editing 539
Designating a new pool record folder 541
Inserting and finding media 537
Key commands 538
Managing large sound databases 536
Managing media files 528
Organizing files in subfolders 542
Reducing the project size 542
Reference file 528
Renaming clips and regions 532
Resolve missing files dialog 537
Sampler track 528
Show/hide columns 531
Transferring media from a library to a project 543
Pop-up Toolbox on Right-Click 1020
Position Cursor
Showing 1034
Position markers
About 306
Post fader sends 401
Recording 238
Transport panel 222
Pre fader sends 401
Pre-Record time
Audio recording 245
Recording 238
Transport panel 222
Colors 1037
Dialog 1012
Disabling 1007
Saving presets 1013
Store marked preferences only 1013
Previewing in MediaBay 563, 563, 564, 564
Previewing using a MIDI file 563
Previewing using the Memo Recorder 564
Previewing via MIDI Input 563
Previewing via the Computer Keyboard 564
Presets browser
Effects 409
Primary Time Format
Selecting 221
Process Bars 902
Process Tempo 901
About 1002
Activating 1004
Adding 1004
Creating 1004
Deleting 1005
Duplicating 1004
Exporting 1005
Importing 1006
Managing 1003
Renaming 1005