User Manual

Table Of Contents
Quantizing MIDI and Audio
Quantize Panel
Allows you to specify the distance in which two hitpoints on different tracks are
considered to mark the same beat.
Allows you to set an offset that determines how far before the actual hitpoint
position an audio event is sliced. This allows for slight variations of the cutting
position and is useful if you want to create crossfades at the slice positions.
Furthermore, it helps to avoid cutting off signals on tracks that do not contain any
AudioWarp Quantize On/Off
Activate this button to quantize the content of your audio event by applying time
stretch. This enables the Warp Marker Creation Rules section that allows you to
specify a priority. The hitpoints of the track with the highest priority determines warp
marker positions for the audio on all tracks.
Slices all audio events of the edit group, and sets the event snap points to the
position of the hitpoint with the highest priority.
Undoes the slicing and restores the original state of the audio events.
Options for AudioWarp Quantizing Multiple Audio Tracks on page 276
Crossfades Section on page 275
AudioWarp Quantizing Multiple Audio Tracks(Cubase Pro only) on page 268
Group Editing Mode(Cubase Pro only) on page 201
Crossfades Section
The Crossfades section becomes available after you have sliced the audio events. The functions
in this section allow you to correct the overlaps or the gaps that might appear due to the re-
positioning of your audio.
Clicking Crossfade cuts the end of the first event at the start position of the following event (in
case of overlaps), and stretches the second event until it starts at the end of the previous event
(in case of gaps).
In some cases, you might want to achieve seamless transitions, applying crossfades after closing
the gaps. For this purpose, use the following parameters:
Open Crossfade Editor
Opens the Crossfade editor, where you can specify curve kind, length, and other
parameters for your crossfades.
Nudge Crossfade Left/Right
Moves the fade area in the audio event to the left or to the right in steps of one
millisecond. This is useful if the Offset value in the Slice Rules section was not high
enough, and you want to avoid that the crossfade cuts an attack.
Specifies the length of the crossfade area.