User manual

Table Of Contents
When using the mouse, you can only move one horizontal line rhythmically at a time.
2. Move the lines in any of the following ways:
To move a single horizontal line to the next notehead on the staff, press Alt/Opt-
Right Arrow .
To move a single horizontal line to the previous notehead on the staff, press Alt/Opt-
Left Arrow .
To move them to the right according to the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Ctrl/
Cmd-Alt/Opt-Right Arrow .
To move them to the left according to the current rhythmic grid resolution, press Ctrl/
Cmd-Alt/Opt-Left Arrow .
You can only move horizontal lines according to the current rhythmic grid resolution
when multiple lines are selected.
Click and drag the line to the right/left to the notehead you want.
You cannot move vertical lines rhythmically with the mouse.
The selected lines are moved to new rhythmic positions.
If a single horizontal line passes over another line as part of its move, the existing one is
unaffected as multiple lines can exist at the same rhythmic position. However, if you move
multiple horizontal lines together or a single vertical line, any existing lines of the same type that
they pass over are shortened or deleted accordingly.
You can undo this action, but any lines shortened/deleted in the process are only restored if you
moved lines using the keyboard.
Length of lines
Dorico SE automatically calculates the appropriate length for both horizontal and vertical lines.
The length of horizontal lines is determined by the rhythmic duration of the line. Horizontal
lines with different attachment types are positioned differently, which can affect their
graphical length. For example, barline-attached lines can appear longer than rhythmic
position-attached lines with the same duration.
The length of vertical lines is determined by the pitch range of notes in the voices/staves to
which the line applies. Dorico SE automatically adjusts the length of vertical lines if the
pitches of notes in the voices/staves to which the lines apply change, or you add notes to, or
delete notes from, chords.
You can lengthen/shorten both horizontal and vertical lines, for example, if you want an
individual vertical line to extend above the top note in a chord.
Length of lines
Dorico SE 3.1.10