User manual

Table Of Contents
Divisi cello staves with default staff grouping Divisi staves with sub-sub-brackets added
Engrave toolbox on page 465
Showing secondary brackets as sub-brackets/braces on page 792
Hiding/Showing blank staves after nal ows on page 403
Showing blank staves in frames on page 404
Lengthening/Shortening custom brackets/braces
You can lengthen/shorten custom brackets/braces vertically to change the staves across which
they span, for example, if you added a new player below a bracket group and want to extend the
bracket to that staff.
Graphic Editing is selected in the Engrave toolbox.
1. In Engrave mode, select a handle at either the top or bottom of each bracket/brace you want
to lengthen/shorten.
You only need to select a handle on one bracket/brace for each bracket and barline change,
as they apply from their signpost until the next existing change or the end of the ow,
whichever comes rst.
Move the handles in any of the following ways:
Press Alt/Opt-Up Arrow to move them to the staff above.
Press Alt/Opt-Down Arrow to move them to the staff below.
Click and drag them upwards/downwards to staves above/below.
Brackets and braces
Custom staff grouping
Dorico Pro 3.5.12