User manual

Table Of Contents
Input methods for lines
You can input both horizontal and vertical lines by using the Lines panel. There is no popover for
If you want lines to represent specic notations that affect playback if applicable, you can instead
input these notations directly. For example, dynamics, arpeggios, glissandi, and trills all have
dedicated features in
Dorico Pro.
Lines on page 1214
Input methods for dynamics on page 261
Input methods for ornaments, arpeggio signs, glissando lines, and jazz articulations on page 285
Input methods for playing techniques, pedal lines, string indicators, and harp pedal diagrams on
page 310
Input methods for clefs and octave lines on page 275
Input methods for tempo marks on page 246
Input methods for repeats and tremolos on page 343
Lines panel
The Lines panel contains the different types of lines available in Dorico Pro. It is located on the
right of the window in Write mode.
You can hide/show the Lines panel by clicking Lines in the Notations toolbox on the right
of the window in Write mode.
You can also hide/show the panel whose icon is currently selected in the Notations toolbox
by pressing Ctrl/Cmd-9 or clicking the disclosure arrow on the right of the window.
The Lines panel contains the following sections:
Contains the different horizontal lines available. The options at the top of the section
allow you to determine the attachment type for the start and end of horizontal lines
you subsequently input. Horizontal lines can be attached to noteheads, barlines, or
rhythmic positions, and the start and end can have different attachment types.
Contains the different vertical lines available.
Lines on page 1214
Line components on page 1216
Custom lines on page 1237
Write mode
Notations input
Dorico Pro 3.5.12