User manual

Table Of Contents
You can hide immediate dynamics if you only want to show the modier.
Dynamics on page 874
Dynamic modiers on page 890
Niente hairpins on page 888
Hiding/Showing immediate dynamics on page 884
Changing the appearance of gradual dynamics on page 895
Dynamics panel
The Dynamics panel contains the different dynamics available in Dorico Pro, including gradual
dynamics and dynamic
modiers, such as poco and possibile.
You can hide/show the Dynamics panel by clicking Dynamics in the Notations toolbox on
the right of the window in Write mode.
You can also hide/show the panel whose icon is currently selected in the Notations toolbox
by pressing
Ctrl/Cmd-9 or clicking the disclosure arrow on the right of the window.
The Dynamics panel contains the following sections:
Immediate Dynamics
Contains dynamics such as and , and modiers, such as subito and possibile.
Available modiers are shown at the top of the section in boxes.
You can only input modiers alongside a dynamic.
Gradual Dynamics
Contains dynamics such as and , and modiers, such as poco and niente. Available
modiers are shown at the top of the section in boxes.
You can only input modiers alongside a dynamic.
Force/Intensity of Attack
Contains dynamics such as and .
Combined Dynamics
Allows you to create custom combinations of dynamics, such as . The controls
allow you to increase and decrease the dynamic on each side, and to swap their order.
Inputting dynamics with the popover
You can input dynamics and modiers using the dynamics popover, both during note input
and by adding them to existing notes. You can also input different dynamics into each voice
Write mode
Notations input
Dorico Pro 3.5.12