
7 – 26 Mackie HUI
The Undo button in the Keyboard Shortcuts section undoes the last
performed operation in Cubase SX/SL.
Hold down the Shift button and press Undo to redo the last undone operation.
Press the Save button in the Keyboard Shortcuts section to save the
current project.
Hold down the Shift button and press the Save button to save a backup copy of the
current project.
The Edit Mode, Edit Tool, Option/All, Ctrl/Clutch and Alt/Fine buttons
in the Keyboard Shortcuts section are currently not supported.
The Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete buttons in the Edit section control
the equivalent Cubase SX/SL functions.
The Capture and Separate buttons in the Edit section are currently
not supported.
The buttons in the Status/Group section are currently not supported.
Use the In and Out buttons above the transport controls to set the
project cursor to the positions of the left or right locators.
Hold down the Shift button and press the In or Out button to move the left or right lo-
cator to the current project cursor position.
Use the RTZ and END buttons to set the project cursor to the begin-
ning or the end of the project.
Press the Quick Punch button to switch automatic punch in on or off.
Hold down the Shift button and press the Quick Punch button to switch automatic
punch out on or off.
Press the Loop button to switch Cycle mode on or off.
Press the On Line button to switch Synchronisation on or off.
The Audition, Pre and Post buttons are used for user assignable func-
The Mackie HUI Play, Stop, Record, Rewind and Fast Forward trans-
port controls control the equivalent functions in Cubase SX/SL.
The jog wheel is used for moving the project cursor position in Cubase