
7 – 24 Mackie HUI
Mackie HUI can control any number of channels in groups of 8.
Use the left and right Bank buttons to select channels 1-8, 9 -16 etc.
Use the left and right Channel buttons to shift the fader assignment in
steps of one channel.
The Fader button in the Auto Enable section is used to disable/enable
the motors.
The Mute, Pan, Send, Plug In and Send Mute buttons in the Auto En-
able section are currently not supported.
Use the Rec/Rdy buttons to arm a track for recording.
Use the Select buttons to select a single track for detailed settings.
With the Mute and Solo buttons you can mute or solo a track.
Use the Default button to un-solo all tracks.
Use the Assign button to un-mute all tracks.
To the right of the time display, you find an LED labeled “Rude Solo
Light”. This LED lights up as soon as any channel is soloed.
Use the Insert buttons to bypass all inserts of one track.
Pan button in the Select Assign section:
Fader Set: panning left/right or panning front/rear. Press button repeatedly to
cycle through the assignments (the eight V-Pots control the pan parameters).
V-Sel button in the Select Assign section: monitor track.
Send A to Send E buttons in the Select Assign section:
Fader Set: Send 1 level to Send 8 level (Send A to Send D assigns Send 1 to
Send 4, Send E assigns Send 5 to Send 8: press button repeatedly to cycle
through the assignments).
V-Sel button in the Select Assign section: send on/off switch (depending on
selected Send).
V-Sel button with Shift in the Select Assign section selected: pre/post fader
switch (depending on selected Send).