
Select one of the display modes.
If you select the “Narrow” mode, the channel strip will be as narrow as possible to con-
serve screen space, showing only the basic level and pan controls (see below). The
controls in the other modes are described on page 16.
The Upper Display
Locate the dividing line between the Upper and Lower display for the
channel strip.
Point at the small triangle pointing upward, and press the mouse button.
A pop-up menu appears with the five modes for the Upper display.
Select one of the display modes.
If you select the “Narrow” mode, the channel strip will be as narrow as possible to con-
serve screen space, with no controls in the Upper display (see below). The controls in
the other modes are described on page 19.
About the “Narrow” mode
The selection of display modes is independent for the Upper and
Lower displays, with one exception:
Selecting the “Narrow” mode for the Upper or Lower display will auto-
matically select the “Narrow” mode for the other display as well.
Since the width of the whole channel strip is minimized, there is then no room for any
additional controls in either display.