
Table Of Contents
Please consider the RAM limitation (see “RAM” on page
22) of your operating system when setting up your project
for recording.
For each audio channel, 2.4 MB of RAM are required for
mixer settings, etc. One minute of audio recording with a
sample rate of 96 kHz on a mono track will increase mem-
ory usage by another 176 KB (Windows Task Manager,
Recording on a 32-bit system with 64 mono tracks at a
sample rate of 44.1
kHz, lasting 60 minutes.
This would require a total of 403 MB of memory – not a problem on a
modern computer.
Recording on a 32-bit system with 128 mono tracks at
a sample rate of 96 kHz, lasting 60 minutes.
This would require 1658 MB of memory – dangerously close to the 2 GB
limit for RAM on a 32-bit Windows computer.
Ö Also note that the maximum file size for regular Wave
files is 2 GB. If you want to record larger files, use the
Waves 64 format (see
“Record File Type on page 92).
Setting up the track
Creating a track and selecting the channel configuration
Audio tracks can be configured as mono, stereo, or sur-
round tracks (Cubase only). This allows you to record or
import a file containing multiple channels and treat it as
one entity, with no need to split it up into several mono
files, etc. The signal path for an audio track maintains its
channel configuration all the way from the input bus, via
EQ, level and other Mixer settings to the output bus.
You specify the channel configuration for a track when you
create it:
1. Select “Add Audio Track” from the track list context
menu or the Project menu (or, if an audio track is already
selected, double-click in an empty area of the track list).
A dialog opens with a channel configuration pop-up menu.
2. Select the desired format from the pop-up menu.
In Cubase Artist, you choose between mono and stereo. In Cubase, the
most common formats are listed directly on the pop-up menu, with the
remaining surround formats listed on the “More…” submenu. For a list of
the available surround formats, see
“Output bus configuration” on page
The Browse item in this dialog allows you to browse
your disks for created track presets, which can be used as
a basis (or template) for tracks.
This is described in detail in the chapter “Working with track presets” on
page 331.
3. Click the Add Track button.
A track is added, set to the specified channel configuration. In the Mixer,
a corresponding channel strip appears. You cannot change the channel
configuration for a track.
Selecting an input bus for a track
Here we assume that you have added and set up the re-
quired input busses (see “Setting up busses” on page 26).
Before you record, you need to specify from which input
bus the track will record. You can do this in the Inspector or
in the Mixer.
In the Inspector, you select an input bus on the Input
Routing pop-up menu in the top section.
As described in the section “The Inspector” on page 39, the Inspector
shows the settings for the selected track.
When a recording has used up all the memory made
available by the operating system, the computer may
Click here to select an input bus for
the track.