
Table Of Contents
Lock layers 628
Lock Record 107
Logical Editor
About 441
Actions 447
Filter conditions 442
Functions 447
Opening 441
Presets 450
Audio Part Editor 297
MIDI editors 381
About 648
In voices 649
Inserting manually 648
Verse 649
Mac OS X
Port activation 28
Port selection 28
Machine control
About 494
Input source 499
Output destinations 498
Macros 543
Magnetic Cursor (Snap mode) 47
Magnifying Glass tool 56
Main Mix
Control Room 175
Setting up 28
Marker list
Navigating 140
Marker tracks
About 141
Adding 142
Editing markers 142
Marker window
About 139
Editing attributes 140
Filtering markers 140
Reordering columns 141
About 41, 139
Adding in Marker window 140
Attributes 140, 141
Converting to score layout 658
Creating from hitpoints 280
Editing in Project Browser 482
Editing on marker track 142
Exporting 143
Exporting via track archive 144
Importing 143
Importing track archives 144
Key commands 143
Making range selections 142
Marker IDs 141
Snapping to 46
About 312
Attribute filtering 322
Attribute Inspector 323
Defining locations 314, 315
Defining user attributes 326
Editing attributes 324
Filtering 321
Key commands 328
Preferences 327
Previewing 318
Scanning operations
Selecting locations 315
Showing/Hiding sections 312
Viewing results 316
Volume databases 329
VST Sound node 314
Melisma lines 646
Memory 22
Merge Clipboard (function) 247
Merge MIDI in Loop 368
Merge Tempo from Tapping 469
Meters 162
Coloring of 537
Input level 95
Post-fader mode 95
Settings 162
Activating 106
Precount 106
Settings 106
Channel settings 101, 166
Cycle recording 102
Dissolve parts 369
Extract from audio 291
Local On/Off 20
Record modes 102
MIDI channel
In drum maps 401
Selecting for tracks 101
Send effects 354
MIDI clock
Destinations 499
Synchronization 496
MIDI controllers
Automation setup 242
MIDI devices
Defining new for patch
selection 358
Device Manager 357
Editing patches 360
Installing 359
Selecting patches 360
MIDI editors
Default editor 375
MIDI Input function 387
MIDI effects
About 353
Deactivating 355
Inserts 353
Presets 354
Sends 354
MIDI files 527
MIDI filter 105
MIDI Input function
MIDI editors 387
Sample Editor 288
Score Editor 581
MIDI Input Transformer 450
MIDI inputs
Renaming 101
Selecting for tracks 101
MIDI interface
Connecting 20
MIDI Modifiers 350