
Table Of Contents
Display Quantize 413
About 553
Auto 589
In polyphonic voices 599
Rests 554
Tool 554, 571
Display Transpose
About 414, 591
Disable 566
Dithering 193
In Sample Editor 268
MIDI controllers 390
MIDI notes 382
MIDI parts 75
Drum Editor
Creating and editing notes 398
Muting drum sounds 399
Selecting drum maps 401
Drum maps
About 400
Editing in score 678
Making settings 400
MIDI channel and output 401
Selecting 401
Setup dialog 402
Drum name lists 403
Drum notes
About 677
Adding and editing 679
Head pairs 678
Setting up staves 679
Single line 679
Drumstick tool 398
Events and parts 61
MIDI notes 385
Notes in score 580
Dynamics symbols
Adding 635
Edit button
Audio channel strips 158
Audio track Inspector 40
MIDI channel strips 166
MIDI track Inspector 349
Edit groups 80
Edit In-Place 396
Edits folder 245
élastique algorithm
About 259
Enharmonic Shift 417
Manual 606
Process 246
Realtime 123
Bypassing 161
Making settings 159
Presets 161
Equal Gain
Crossfades 122
Equal Power
Crossfades 122
Erase tool
Breaking bar lines in score 674
Deleting notes in score 585
Project window 66
Audio 58
Creating from hitpoints 280
Duplicating 61
Envelopes 123
Grouping 64
Locking 65
Moving 61
Muting 66
Overlapping in Project window 61
Removing 66
Renaming 62
Resizing 63
Resizing with time stretch 64
Selecting 59
Selecting automatically with
project cusor 60
Sliding contents 64
Splitting 62
Explode 572
Export audio mixdown 485
Audio engine settings 488
Channel Selection 486
File Naming 486
In realtime 488
Markers 143
Markers as track archive 144
MIDI files
OMF 525
Score as image files 566
Selected tracks 529
Tempo track 467
Expression maps
About 420
Creating 424
Drum Editor 422
In-Place Editor 422
Key Editor 422
List Editor 423
Loading 421
Score Editor 422
External effects 200
About 30
Favorites 33
Freezing 33
Missing plug-ins 33
Setting up 30
External instruments
About 30
Favorites 33
Freezing 33
Missing plug-ins 33
Setting up 32
Audio from Video 516
Audio from video 524
Audio to MIDI (VariAudio) 291
MIDI Automation 373
Voices 602