
Table Of Contents
Scoring for drums
Initializing the display pitches
If you select “Init Display Notes” from the Functions pop-
up menu in the top left corner of the Drum Map Setup dia
log, all display pitch values are reset, so that actual pitch
and display pitch are the same for each sound/note.
Using note head pairs
Not only can you have different drum sounds displayed
with different note heads, you can also display different
note heads for different note values:
1. Activate the “Use Head Pairs” checkbox.
The “Head Symbol” column now shows two head symbols for each drum
All head symbols are arranged in pairs – by default an “empty” head
and a “filled” head. Just as with regular notes, the “empty” note heads
are used with half notes and larger note values, and the “filled” heads
are used with quarter notes and smaller note values.
2. To select a head pair for a drum sound/note, click in
the Head symbol column to open the pop-up menu and
choose the new head pair.
Customizing note head pairs
If you do not like the default pairs of note heads, you can
edit these:
1. On the Functions pop-up menu, select “Edit head
2. To change a symbol in a pair, click on it and select a
new symbol from the pop-up menu.
3. When you are done, click Exit to close the dialog.
Editing the drum map in the score
If you activate the “Edit in Scores” option in the Drum Map
Setup dialog, you can change the settings for the score
drum map directly in the score:
Transposing a note changes the display pitch of its
drum sound – the actual note is not transposed.
Double-clicking a note allows you to make note head
settings for that drum sound.
Using the “Move to Voice” function changes the voice
assignment of the drum sound.
Ö This requires that you leave the Drum Map Setup dia-
log open – closing the dialog automatically deactivates
this option, allowing you to perform normal editing.
Please note that many different drum maps can be
created for a project. Which one you get depends on
which drum map is assigned to the edited track.
These drum maps are totally independent of one an
other, i.e. each pitch can have different settings in
different drum maps.