
Table Of Contents
Working with projects
You can also mute whole tracks by clicking the Mute
(“M”) button in the track list, the Inspector or the Mixer.
Clicking the Solo (“S”) button for a track mutes all other tracks. Note that
there are two modes for the track solo function:
If the “Enable Solo on Selected Track” option is activated in the Prefer-
ences dialog (Editing–Project & Mixer page) and you have soloed a
track, selecting another track in the track list will automatically solo that
track instead – the solo state “moves” with the track selection.
If the option is not activated, the track you solo stays soloed, regardless
of the selection.
Removing events
To remove an event from the Project window, use any of
the following methods:
Click on the event with the Erase tool.
Note that if you press [Alt]/[Option] while you click, all following events
on the same track will be deleted, but not the event you clicked and all
events before it.
Select the event(s) and press [Backspace], or select
“Delete” from the Edit menu.
Creating new files from events
An audio event plays a section of an audio clip, which in
turn refers to one or more audio files on the hard disk.
However, in some situations you may want to create a new
file that consists only of the section played by the event.
This is done with the function “Bounce Selection” on the
Audio menu:
1. Select one or several audio events.
2. Set up fade in, fade out and event volume (on the info
line or using the volume handle) as desired.
These settings will be applied to the new file. For details on fades and
event volume, see
“Creating fades” on page 118.
3. Select “Bounce Selection” from the Audio menu.
You are asked whether you want to replace the selected event or not.
If you click “Replace”, a new file is created, containing
only the audio in the original event. A clip for the new file is
added to the Pool, and the original event is replaced by a
new event playing the new clip.
If you click “No”, a new file is created and a clip for the
new file is added to the Pool.
The original event is not replaced.
You can also apply the Bounce Selection function to an
audio part. In that case, the audio from all events in the
part will be combined into a single audio file. If you choose
“Replace” when asked, the part will be replaced with a
single audio event playing a clip of the new file.
Range editing
Editing in the Project window is not necessarily restricted
to handling whole events and parts. You can also work
with selection ranges, which are independent from the
event/part and track boundaries.
The range selection tool can also be used for comping (see
“Comping operations” on page 77). Furthermore you can
define Edit groups with the range selection tool. These al-
low you to quickly group events and parts across multiple
tracks without having to select all the events or parts (see
“About Group Editing (Cubase only)” on page 80).
Creating a selection range
To make a selection range, drag with the Range Selection
When the Range Selection tool is selected, the Select
submenu on the Edit menu has the following items for
making selection ranges:
Option Description
All Makes a selection that covers all tracks, from the start of
the project to the end (as defined by the Length setting
in the Project Setup dialog).
None Removes the current selection range.
Invert Only used for event selection (see “Selecting events” on
page 59).
In Loop Makes a selection between the left and right locator, on
all tracks.
From Start to
Makes a selection on all tracks, from the start of the proj-
ect to the project cursor.
From Cursor to
Makes a selection on all tracks, from the project cursor
to the end of the project.
All on Selected
Only used for event selection (see “Selecting events” on
page 59).
Select Event This is available in the Sample Editor (see “Using the
Select menu on page 269).