
Table Of Contents
Working with symbols
Setting up the lock layers
1. Open the Preferences dialog and select the Scores–
Note Layer page.
2. Assign each event type to a layer (1, 2, or 3).
It is a good idea to specify different layers for event types that might con-
flict “graphically”. For example, you might want to assign bar numbers
and note symbols to different layers, if you find that you accidentally
move bar numbers when editing note symbols and vice versa.
3. Click OK to close the dialog.
Alternatively, you can right-click on one of the Layer but-
tons (1-2-3) on the extended toolbar to bring up a pop-up
menu, showing which object types are associated with that
A checkmark for an object type means it belongs to that layer. If no
checkmark is shown, you can select the object type from the pop-up
menu to move it to that layer.
Locking a layer
To “lock” a layer, click on its lock layer button.
In this figure, layer 2 is locked. Event types assigned to layer 2 cannot
be selected, moved, or deleted.
Visual indication of the layers
Objects belonging to locked note layers are “grayed out”
in the score. This makes it very easy to find out which ob-
ject belongs to which layer – perhaps especially useful for
the layout and project layers. For example, to quickly spot
all objects in the layout layer, lock all other layers by click
ing their buttons. Now, only layout layer objects are shown
normally; all other objects are grayed out.
Moving and duplicating symbols
There are four ways to move and duplicate symbols:
By dragging them with the mouse (see below).
By using the computer keyboard (moving only – see “Moving
by using the computer keyboard” on page 631).
By using the bar handles (see “Moving and duplicating with
the bar handles” on page 631).
By using the Paste Note Attributes function (duplicating note
symbols only – see “Copying settings between notes” on
page 608).
Moving and duplicating by using the mouse
This is done much as with other objects in Cubase. The
following rules apply:
Note symbols and note-dependent symbols move with the
notes/chords they belong to. In other words, if you move the
note/chord, the symbols move with it/them.
Note symbols (like accents and lyrics) can only be moved ver-
tically. Other symbols (like braces and brackets) can only be
moved horizontally.
All other symbols without handles can be moved freely. If you
hold down [Ctrl]/[Command], movement is restricted to one
direction only.
If the symbol has one or more handles when it is selected, do
not drag it by the handles, or you change its shape instead of
moving it.