
Table Of Contents
Working with symbols
Layout symbols work slightly differently. Instead of belong-
ing to a certain staff or voice, they belong to a layout.
Since different track combinations use different layouts,
this means that if you insert a layout symbol in the score
when you are editing two tracks (for example a trumpet
and a saxophone part), it is not there when you view each
track by itself in the Score Editor. If you want the same
symbols to appear in other layouts as well, you can copy
the form of one layout to another. If you want a symbol to
appear in all layouts, use the Project tab.
Adding symbols to the score
Making space and handling margins
If you find there is not enough space between staves to
add symbols (like for example text), see “Dragging staves”
on page 670 for info on how to separate the staves.
If you find the score looks crammed after adding sym-
bols, check out the section “Auto Layout” on page 672.
About the Pencil tool
Unlike the other MIDI editors, the Score Editor toolbar
does not contain a Pencil tool. Instead, the Pencil tool is
“automatically” selected when you insert symbols. The fol-
lowing applies:
Normally, the Pencil tool is automatically selected when
you click on a symbol in the Inspector. However, if the
“Double-click Symbol to get Pencil tool” option is acti
vated in the Preferences dialog (Scores–Editing page),
you need to double-click the symbol to get the Pencil tool.
On the same page of the Preferences dialog, you can
find an option called “Display Arrow tool after Inserting
Symbol”. When this is activated, the Object Selection
(“Arrow”) tool is automatically selected after you have in
serted a symbol.
If you want to insert a lot of symbols with the Pencil tool, you may want to
deactivate this option.
Adding note symbols
Adding a symbol to one note
1. In the Symbols Inspector, open the Note Symbols tab.
2. Click (or double-click) on the desired symbol on the
As mentioned above, the “Double-click Symbol to get Pencil tool” prefer-
ence determines whether you need to double-click. In either case, the
Pencil tool is selected.
3. Either click on the note or above or below it.
If you click on the note, the symbol is put in at a predefined distance from
the note. If you instead click “above or below” the note, you decide for a
vertical position yourself. In either case, the symbol is aligned horizontally
with the note. It can later be moved up/down.
Clicking on a note inserts the note symbol (in this case a tenuto) at a
predefined distance from the note head.
There are three options in the Accents category of the
Score Settings dialog (Project page–Notation Style sub-
page) that affect the vertical positioning of note symbols:
Accents above Stems
When this is activated, accent note symbols are displayed at the stem
side of notes instead of the note head.
Accents above Staves
When this is activated, accent note symbols are displayed above the
staff, regardless of the stem direction of the notes. This setting overrides
the “Accents above Stems” option.
Center Note-Linked Symbols on Stems
When this is activated, accents are centered on stems and not on note
Adding a symbol to several notes using the Pencil tool
You might for example want to add a staccato symbol to
all notes within a few measures. Proceed as follows:
1. In the Symbols Inspector, open the Note Symbols tab
2. Select the notes to which you want to apply the symbol.
3. In the Symbols Inspector, click on the desired symbol.
Symbols you add outside the margins are not printed!