
Table Of Contents
Working with projects
Moving events
To move events in the Project window, use the following
Click and drag to a new position.
All selected events are moved, maintaining their relative positions. You
can only drag events to tracks of the same type. If Snap is activated, this
determines to which positions you can move the events (see
“The Snap
function” on page 45).
Note also that you can restrict movement to be either horizontal or verti-
cal only, by holding down [Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging.
Select the event and edit the Start position in the info line.
Use the “Move to” options on the Edit menu.
The following options are available:
Use the Nudge buttons on the toolbar.
These move the selected events to the left or right. The amount of move-
ment depends on the selected display format (see “The Project Setup di-
alog” on page 54) and the value set on the Grid pop-up menu.
Ö The Nudge buttons are not visible on the toolbar by
default. You can decide which items are visible by right-
clicking on the toolbar and activating the corresponding
option on the context menu (see
“The setup context
menus” on page 534).
Use the Up/Down key commands, found in the Nudge
category in the Key Commands dialog.
These commands allow you to nudge one or more events (except folder
parts) up or down to the nearest track.
Nudging up/down will not create new tracks: If there is no
destination track that matches the track configuration of
the nudged event, nothing happens.
If you select events in Lane Display mode, these are
moved to the upper or lower lane.
If you select MIDI events in the In-Place Editor, the MIDI
events are nudged up or down.
Duplicating events
Events can be duplicated in the following ways:
Hold down [Alt]/[Option] and drag the event to a new
If Snap is activated, this determines to which positions you can copy the
events (see
“The Snap function” on page 45).
You will note that there is a slightly delayed response
when you move an event by dragging. This helps you
avoid accidentally moving events when you click on
them in the Project window. You can adjust this delay
with the Drag Delay setting in the Preferences dialog
(Editing page).
Option Description
Cursor Moves the selected event to the project cursor position.
If there are several selected events on the same track,
the first event will start at the cursor, and the following
will be lined up end-to-start after the first one.
Origin Moves the selected events to their original positions, i. e.
the positions at which they were originally recorded.
Front/Back This function does not actually change the position of the
events, but moves the selected events to the front or back,
respectively. This is useful if you have overlapping events
and want to see one that is partially obscured.
For audio events, this is an extra important feature, be-
cause only the visible sections of events will be played
back. Moving an obscured audio event to front (or moving
the obscuring event to back) will allow you to hear the
whole event on playback.
Note that it is also possible to use the “To Front” function
on the event context menu for this.
When the Range Selection tool is used, the Nudge
buttons move the selection range (see “Moving and
duplicating” on page 67).
If you hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] as well, move-
ment direction is restricted to either horizontal or ver-
tical. That means if you drag an event vertically it
cannot be moved horizontally at the same time.