
Table Of Contents
Entering and editing notes
Changing the length of notes
When it comes to note lengths, the Score Editor is special
in that it does not necessarily display the notes with their
actual length. Depending on the situation, you may want to
change the “physical length” of the notes or the “display
Changing the “physical” length
This changes the actual length of the notes. The change is
audible when you play back the music.
By using the extended toolbar
Using the extended toolbar is another quick way to set a
number of notes to the same length:
1. Select the notes that you want to change.
2. Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] and click on one of the
note icons on the extended toolbar.
All the selected notes now get the note value on which you clicked.
By using the info line
You can also edit length values numerically on the info
line. The same rules apply as when changing the pitch of
notes (see
“Using the info line” on page 581).
Lengthening a note by gluing two notes together
You can create unusual note length values by gluing notes
of the same pitch together.
1. Insert the notes that you want to glue together (if they
do not already exist).
2. Select the Glue tool on the toolbar or context menu.
3. Click on the first note.
This note is now tied to the first following note with the same pitch.
4. If you want to glue more notes, click again.
By gluing together a quarter note, an eighth note and a sixteenth note…
…you get a double dotted quarter note.
Changing the display length
If you want to change the displayed length of notes with-
out affecting how they play back, the first thing to try is to
adjust Display Quantize, either for the whole staff or for a
separate section, using the Display Quantize tool (see
serting Display Quantize changes” on page 571).
But you can also make display length adjustments to indi-
vidual notes in the Set Note Info dialog:
1. Double-click on the note.
The Set Note Info dialog opens.
2. Locate the “Length” setting.
By default, this is set to “Auto”, which means that the note is displayed
according to its actual length (and the Display Quantize settings).
3. Double-click in the value field and enter a new length
value (displayed in bars, beats, sixteenth notes, and ticks).
To set the display length to “Auto” again, scroll the value down to zero.
4. Click Apply and close the dialog.
The note is now displayed according to its display length setting. However,
the Display Quantize settings still apply!
Splitting a note in two
If you have two notes strung together by a tie, and click on
the “tied” note head with the Split tool, the note is divided
into two, with the length of the “main” and the tied note,
Before and after splitting a tied note
Remember that the appearance of notes and rests in
the score is determined by the Display Quantize set-
tings on the Staff page of the Score Settings dialog.
Depending on the Notes and Rests values, notes
may be displayed as if they were longer than they re-
ally are (see “Display Quantize” on page 553).
Make sure that you have Display Quantize values for
notes and rests that allow you to display notes of the
created note value.