
Table Of Contents
The basics
Page Mode
When you are preparing a score for printout, you should set
the Score Editor to Page Mode. This is done by selecting
Page Mode from the Scores menu. When Page Mode is
activated, a checkmark appears next to this menu option.
In Page mode, the window switches to display one page
at a time, as it appears on printout.
Page Mode vs. Edit Mode
When Page Mode is not activated, the Score Editor is in
Edit Mode. All you can do in Edit Mode, you can also do in
Page Mode. But Page Mode offers lots of additional fea
tures which are directly related to how the score is dis-
played and printed.
Using the scroll bars in Page Mode
In Page Mode, the scroll bars are used to scroll the image
of the page inside the window.
Moving between pages in Page Mode
If your score takes up more than one page, you use the
page number indicator in the lower right corner to move to
another page in your score. The number can be adjusted
using the standard editing techniques.
The page number indicator – adjust it to move to another page.
Also, if Auto-Scroll is activated on the toolbar, the score
display follows the project cursor position. This way you
can scroll the score by using fast forward or rewind.
Editing individual parts in Page Mode
When you view a single part in Page Mode, the bars be-
fore and after the part is normally shown as empty mea-
sures in the Score Editor. This is to preserve the layout of
the track, i.e. the spacing between staves and bar lines,
number of bars per staff, etc.
If you want to view and print a single part, without any
surrounding empty bars, activate the “Unlock Layout when
editing single parts” option in the Preferences dialog
(Scores–Editing page). Note, however, that if you adjust
the layout when editing the part in this mode, this erases
the layout for the whole track!
Changing the zoom factor
There are two ways to change the zoom in Page Mode: by
setting a zoom factor on the zoom pop-up menu or by us-
ing the Zoom tool (magnifying glass).
Using the Zoom pop-up menu
Above the vertical scrollbar to the right you can find a pop-
up menu allowing you to set the zoom factor.
By zooming in you can make detailed adjustments to sym-
bols, etc. By zooming out you get a better overview.
If you select “Fit Page”, the zoom factor is adjusted ac-
cording to the window size so that the whole page be-
comes visible.
If you select “Fit Width”, the zoom factor is adjusted ac-
cording to the window width so that the full width of the
page becomes visible.
This section of the manual assumes you are in Page
Mode. It is mentioned explicitly if something in this
text specifically relates to Edit Mode.