
Table Of Contents
File handling
Selecting one of the Import Audio CD menu items brings
up the following dialog:
To import one or more tracks, proceed as follows:
1. If you have more than one CD drive, select the correct
one from the Drives pop-up menu at the top left.
On opening the CD, the program tries to retrieve the track names from
CDDB (a CD database). If no connection to CDDB can be established
or the CD track names are not found, you can manually change the ge
neric track name in the Default Name field.
2. Windows only: Activate the “Secure Mode” option if
you want to use a Secure Read mode.
Use this if you encounter problems when trying to import an audio CD.
Error checking and correction will be done during the process. Note that
this mode will take more time.
3. In the Windows version, select the data transfer speed
from the Speed pop-up menu.
While you normally want to use the fastest possible speed, you may have
to select a slower speed for flawless audio extraction.
4. Activate the Copy checkbox for every audio file you
want to import.
You can also select a copy section for every file, see below.
5. Click on the Copy button to create a local copy of the
audio file(s) or section(s).
The copied files are listed at the bottom of the dialog. By default, im-
ported audio CD tracks will be stored as Wave files (Windows) or AIFF
files (Mac) in the Audio folder of the current project. To change the
folder, click Destination Folder and select a different folder from the dia
log. During copying, the Copy button is labeled “Stop”; click it to stop
the process.
6. Click OK to import the copied audio files into the proj-
ect, or click Cancel to stop the import and discard the
copied files.
If you import more than one audio file into project tracks,
a dialog opens in which you have to choose whether to in
sert the tracks on one track or on different ones.
The new track(s) are displayed in the Project window. New audio clips
are created and added to the Pool.
The columns in the “Import from Audio CD” dialog have
the following functionality:
By default, complete tracks are selected.
Column Description
Copy Activate the checkbox in this column for the track you
want to copy/import. To activate more than one check
box, click and drag over the checkboxes (or press [Ctrl]/
[Command] or [Shift] and click).
# This is the track number.
CD Track as
When you import an audio CD track, the file is named ac-
cording to this column. The names are pulled automati-
cally from CDDB, if possible. You can rename a track by
clicking in the CD Track column and typing a new name.
You can also apply a generic name to all audio CD tracks,
if no name was available in CDDB.
Length The length of the audio CD track in minutes and seconds.
Size The file size of the audio CD track in MB.
Copy Start You can copy a section of a track if you like. This indi-
cates the start of the section to be copied in the track. By
default, this is set to the start of the track (0.000) but you
can adjust this on the copy selection ruler (see below).
Copy End Indicates the end of the section to be copied in the track.
By default, this is set to the end of the track but you can
adjust this on the copy selection ruler (see below).