
Table Of Contents
Timecode Source
The Timecode Source setting determines whether Cubase
is acting as timecode master or slave.
When set to “Internal Timecode”, Cubase is the timecode
master, generating all position references for any other
device in the system. The other options are for external
timecode sources. Selecting any of these, makes Cubase
a timecode slave when the Sync button is activated.
Internal Timecode
Cubase generates timecode based on the project timeline
and project setup settings. The timecode will follow the
format specified in the Project Setup section.
MIDI Timecode
Cubase acts as a timecode slave to any incoming MIDI
timecode (MTC) on the port(s) selected in the MIDI Time-
code section, to the right of the Timecode Source section.
Selecting “All MIDI Inputs” allows Cubase to sync to MTC
from any MIDI connection. You can also select a single
MIDI port for receiving MTC.
ASIO Audio Device
This option is only available with audio cards that support
ASIO Positioning Protocol. These audio cards have an in
tegrated LTC reader or ADAT sync port and can perform a
phase alignment of timecode and audio clock.
VST System Link
VST System Link can provide all aspects of sample-accu-
rate synchronization between other System Link worksta-
tions. For information on configuring VST System Link,
see “Working with VST System Link” on page 501.
Timecode Preferences
When MIDI Timecode is selected, additional options be-
come available in the Cubase section, providing several
options for working with external timecode.
Lock Frames
This setting determines how many full frames of timecode
it takes for Cubase to try and establish sync or “lock”. If
you have an external tape transport with a very short start-
up time, try lowering this number to make lock-up even
faster. This option can only be set to multiples of two.
Drop Out Frames
This setting determines the amount of missed timecode
frames it takes for Cubase to stop. Using LTC recorded
on an analog tape machine can result in some amount of
drop outs. Increasing this number allows Cubase to “free-
wheel” over missed frames without stopping. Lowering
this number causes Cubase to stop sooner once the tape
machine has stopped.
Inhibit Restart ms
Some synchronizers still transmit MTC for a short period
after an external tape machine has been stopped. These
extra frames of timecode sometimes cause Cubase to re
start suddenly. The “Inhibit Restart ms” setting allows you
to control the amount of time in milliseconds that Cubase
will wait to restart (ignoring incoming MTC) once it has