
Table Of Contents
Export Audio Mixdown
At the right of the Name and the Path fields there are two
pop-up menus with a number of options:
Naming Options
Select “Set to Project Name” to set the Name field to
the project name.
Activate the “Auto Update Name” option to add a num-
ber to the specified file name every time you click the Ex-
port button.
Path Options
Select “Choose…” to open a dialog in which you can
browse for a path and enter a file name.
The file name will automatically be shown in the Name field.
Select an entry from the Recent Paths section to reuse
a path specified for a previous export.
This section is only shown after an export has been completed. With the
“Clear Recent Paths” option you can delete all entries from the Recent
Paths section.
Activate the “Use Project Audio Folder” option to save
the mixdown file in the project’s Audio folder.
Naming Scheme
Clicking the “Naming Scheme…” button opens a sepa-
rate pop-up window. Here, you can choose a number of
elements that will be combined to form the file name. De
pending on the settings in the Channel Selection section,
different elements are available.
The elements are defined as follows:
Ö By combining the available naming elements, you can
make sure that all the files of a batch are exported with
unique names. If you have set up a naming scheme that
would result in identical file names, a warning message
appears when you click the Export button.
To add an element, press the “+” button on the far right,
and to remove an element from the naming scheme click
the corresponding “-” button.
You can also remove an element by dragging it out of the Elements sec-
To rearrange the sequence, simply click on an element
and drag it to a different position.
To choose a different element for a certain position,
click on the element name and select a new entry from the
pop-up menu.
Each element can only be used once in a naming scheme. The pop-up
menu therefore shows only those elements that are still available.
Below the Elements section, you will find some additional
The field below these options shows a preview of what the
resulting file names will look like.
Ö To close the Naming Scheme pop-up window, simply
click anywhere outside the pop-up window. The gener-
ated name will now also be shown to the right of the
“Naming Scheme…” button.
Element Description
Name The name that you entered in the Name field (in the File
Location section).
Mixer Index The number of the Mixer channel.
Channel Type The type of audio-related channel that is being exported.
Channel Name The name of the exported channel.
Project Name The name of the Cubase project.
(Cubase only)
This is only available for batch export. Use this to include
an incrementing number in the generated files names in
order to create unique file names.
Option Description
Separator Allows you to enter any character sequence to be used
as a separator between the naming elements (e.
g. a hy-
phen enclosed in spaces).
Leading Zeros This controls how many leading zeros the Counter and
Mixer Index components will have. For example, if you set
this to “2”, the numbers from 1 to 10 will be written as
001 to 010.
Counter Start
Here you can enter a number that is used as the first
Counter value.
Element Description